Finite Mathematics and Calculus with Applications – Lial, Greenwell, Ritchey – 9th Edition


Based on the authors’ experience in the classroom along with feedback from many instructors across the country, this revision improves the clarity of the presentation and provides students with more opportunities to learn, practice, and apply what they’ve learned on their own.

Finite Mathematics and Calculus with Applications, Ninth Edition, by Lial, Greenwell, and Ritchey, is our most applied text to date, making the math relevant and accessible for students of business, life science, and social sciences. Current applications, many using real data, are incorporated in numerous forms throughout the book, preparing students for success in their professional careers.

With this edition, students will find new ways to get involved with the material, such as “Your Turn” exercises and “Apply It” vignettes that encourage active participation.

The MyMathLab® course for the text provides additional learning resources for students, such as video tutorials, algebra help, step-by-step examples, and graphing calculator help. The course also features many more assignable exercises than the previous edition.

Enhanced examples include more detailed annotations to guide students through new concepts and skills. Since students tend to refer back to the examples for help with homework, they will find this new feature especially helpful.

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  • R. Algebra Reference
    1. Linear Functions
    2. Systems of Linear Equations and Matrices
    3. Linear Programming: The Graphical Method
    4. Linear Programming: The Simplex Method
    5. Mathematics of Finance
    6. Logic
    7. Sets and Probability
    8. Counting Principles; Further Probability Topics
    9. Statistics
    10. Nonlinear Functions
    11. The Derivative
    12. Calculating the Derivative
    13. Graphs and the Derivative
    14. Applications of the Derivative
    15. Integration
    16. Further Techniques and Applications of Integration
    17. Multivariable Calculus
    18. Probability and Calculus
  • Citation

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