Experiments in Electronic Devices – H. Berlin, T. Floyd – 3rd Edition


This book offers a comprehensive and practical exploration of the basic concepts of electricity and electronics, with practical applications and problem solving. Written in a clear and accessible story, the third edition focuses on fundamental principles and their applications to solve real circuit analysis problems.
With an eye-catching visual program and hands-on exercises, this book offers readers problem-solving experiences like electronics students need in engineering, or techniques.

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    Rules for Setting Up the Experiments
    Format for the Experiments
    Helpful Hints and Suggestions
    The Laboratory Report
    1 The Diode
    2 Diode Rectifier Circuits
    3 The Capacitor Input Rectifier Filter
    4 The Diode Limiter
    5 The Diode Clamper
    6 The Diode Voltage Doubler
    7 The Zener Diode and Voltage Regulation
    8 Using a Multimeter to Test Transistor Diode Junctions
    9 Transistor Base Biasing
    10 Transistor Emitter Biasing
    11 Transistor Voltage-Divider Biasing
    12 Transistor Collector-Feedback Biasing
    13 The Common-Emitter Amplifier
    14 The Common-Collector Amplifier (Emitter-Follower)
    15 The Combination Common-Emitter Amplifier and Emitter-Follower
    16 The Common-Base Amplifier
    17 The Class A Common-Emitter Power Amplifier
    18 The Class B Push-Pull Emitter-Follower Power Amplifier
    19 The JFET Drain Curve
    20 The JFET Transfer Characteristic Curve
    21 JFET Self-Bias
    22 The Common-Source Amplifier
    23 The Common-Drain Amplifier (Source-Follower)
    24 Amplifier Low-Frequency Response
    25 The Silicon-Controlled Rectifier
    26 The Unijunction Transistor
    27 Op-Amp Slew Rate
    28 Op-Amp Common-Mode Rejection
    29 Op-Amp Inverting and Noninverting Amplifiers
    30 Op-Amp Comparators
    31 Op-Amp Differentiator and Integrator
    32 The Butterworth 2nd-Order Low-Pass Active Filter
    33 The Butterworth 2nd-Order High-Pass Active Filter
    34 The Active Band-Pass Filter
    35 The Active Band-Stop Filter
    36 The Phase-Shift Oscillator
    37 The 555 Timer Astable Multivibrator
    38 The Phase Detector
    39 The 567 Phase-Locked Loop Tone Decoder
    40 The Integrated-Circuit Voltage Regulator
    A. Required Parts and Equipment for the Experiments
    B. Data Sheets
    C. The Self-Bias Curve for FETs
    D. Testing Semiconductor Devices with a Multimeter
    E. Resistor and Capacitor Codes and Standard Values
  • Citation

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