Electronic Devices – Thomas L. Floyd – 6th Edition


For the Basic Electronics courses, electronic devices and components with discrete circuits; this popular text takes a strong systemic approach that identifies circuits and components within a system, and helps students see how the circuit refers to the overall function of the system.

  Floyd is known for simple and understandable explanations, without using complex concepts. Its coverage is carefully balanced between discrete and integrated circuits and its extensive use of examples makes even complex concepts understandable.

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  • 1.      Semiconductors Basics
    2.      Diode Applications
    3.      Special-Purpose Diodes
    4.      Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT’s)
    5.      Transistor Bias Circuits
    6.      BJT Amplifiers
    7.      Power Amplifiers
    8.      Field-Effect Transistors (FETs)
    9.      FET Amplifiers
    10.    Amplifier Frequency Response
    11.    Thyristors
    12.    The Operational Amplifier
    13.    Basic Op-Amp Circuits
    14.    Special-Purpose Op-Amp Circuits
    15.    Active Filters
    16.    Oscillators
    17.    Voltage Regulators
    18.    Communications Circuits
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