Essential Mathematical Methods for Physicists – Hans J. Weber, George B. Arfken – 1st Edition


This new adaptation of Arfken and Weber’s bestselling Mathematical Methods for Physicists, Fifth Edition, is the most comprehensive, modern, and accessible reference for using mathematics to solve physics problems.

REVIEWERS SAY: “Examples are excellent. They cover a wide range of physics problems.” – Bing Zhou, University of Michigan

“The ideas are communicated very well and it is easy to understand…It has a more modern treatment than most, has a very complete range of topics and each is treated in sufficient detail….I’m not aware of another better book at this level…” -Gary Wysin, Kansas State University

* This is a more accessible version of Arken/Weber’s blockbuster reference, which already has more than 13,000 sales worldwide
* Many more detailed, worked-out examples illustrate how to use and apply mathematical techniques to solve physics problems
* More frequent and thorough explanations help readers understand, recall, and apply the theory
* New introductions and review material provide context and extra support for key ideas
* Many more routine problems reinforce basic, foundational concepts and computations

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  • Vector Analysis;
    Vector Analysis in Curved Coordinated and Tensors;
    Determinants and Matrices; Group Theory;
    Infinite Series; Functions of a Complex Variable I;
    Functions of a Complex Variable II;
    Differential Equations;
    Sturm-Liouville Theory - Orthogonal Functions;
    The Gamma Function (Factorial Function);
    Legendre Polynomials;
    Bessell Functions;
    Hermite and Laguerre Polynomials;
    Fourier Series; Integral Transforms;
    Partial Differential Equations;
    Calculus of Variations;
    Non-Linear Methods and Chaos
  • Citation

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