A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ – Ulla Kirch-Prinz, Peter Prinz – 1st Edition


A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ was written for both students interested in learning the C++ programming language from scratch, and for advanced C++ programmers wishing to enhance their knowledge of C++.

The chapters are organized to guide the reader from elementary language concepts to professional software development, with in-depth coverage of all the C++ language elements ‘en route.’ The order in which these elements are discussed reflects the goal of helping students create useful programs every step of the way.

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  • Chapter 1 Fundamentals
    Chapter 2 Fundamental Types, Constants, and Variables
    Chapter 3 Using Functions and Classes
    Chapter 4 Input and Output with Streams
    Chapter 5 Operators for Fundamental Types
    Chapter 6 Control Flow
    Chapter 7 Symbolic Constants and Macros
    Chapter 8 Converting Arithmetic Types
    Chapter 9 The Standard Class string
    Chapter 10 Functions
    Chapter 11 Storage Classes and Namespaces
    Chapter 12 References and Pointers
    Chapter 13 Defining Classes
    Chapter 14 Methods
    Chapter 15 Member Objects and Static Members
    Chapter 16 Arrays
    Chapter 17 Arrays and Pointers
    Chapter 18 Fundamentals for File Input and Output
    Chapter 19 Overloading Operators
    Chapter 20 Type Conversions for Classes
    Chapter 21 Dynamic Memory Allocation
    Chapter 22 Dynamic Members
    Chapter 23 Inheritance
    Chapter 24 Type Conversion in Class Hierarchies
    Chapter 25 Polymorphism
    Chapter 26 Abstract Classes
    Chapter 27 Multiple Inheritance
    Chapter 28 Exception Handling
    Chapter 29 More about Files
    Chapter 30 More about Pointers
    Chapter 31 Manipulation Bits
    Chapter 32 Templates
    Chapter 33 Containers

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