C++ for Dummies – Stephen Randy Davis – 5th Edition


If you’ve thought of programmers as elite intelligentsia who possess expertise (and perhaps genes) the rest of us will never have, think again. C++ For Dummies, 5th Edition, debunks the myths, blasts the barriers, shares the secrets, and gets you started. In fact, by the end of Chapter 1, you’ll be able to create a C++ program. OK, it won’t be newest, flashiest video game, but it might be a practical, customized inventory control or record-keeping program.

Most people catch on faster when they actually DO something, so C++ For Dummies includes a CD-ROM that gives you all you need to start programming (except the guidance in the book, of course), including:

*Dev-C, a full-featured, integrated C++ compiler and editor you install to get down to business
*The source code for the programs in the book, including code for BUDGET, programs that demonstrate principles in the book
*Documentation for the Standard Template Library
*Online C++ help files

Written by Stephen Randy Davis, author of C++ Weekend Crash Course, C++ for Dummies, takes you through the programming process step-by-step. You’ll discover how to:

*Generate an executable
*Create source code, commenting it as you go and using consistent code indentation and naming conventions
*Write declarations and name variables, and calculate expressions
*Write and use a function, store sequences in arrays, and declare and use pointer variables
*Understand classes and object-oriented programming
*Work with constructors and destructors
*Use inheritance to extend classes
*Use stream I/O
*Comment your code as you go, and use consistent code indentation and naming conventions
*Automate programming with the Standard Template Library (STL)
*C++ for Dummies 5th Edition is updated for the newest ANSI standard to make sure you’re up to code.

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  • Part I: Introduction to C++ Programming.

    Chapter 1: Writing Your First C++ Program.
    Chapter 2: Declaring Variables Constantly.
    Chapter 3: Performing Mathematical Operations.
    Chapter 4: Performing Logical Operations.
    Chapter 5: Controlling Program Flow.

    Part II: Becoming a Functional C++ Programmer.

    Chapter 6: Creating Functions.
    Chapter 7: Storing Sequences in Arrays.
    Chapter 8: Taking a First Look at C++ Pointers.
    Chapter 9: Taking a Second Look at C++ Pointers.
    Chapter 10: Debugging C++.

    Part III: Introduction to Classes.

    Chapter 11: Examining Object-Oriented Programming.
    Chapter 12: Adding Class to C++.
    Chapter 13: Making Classes Work.
    Chapter 14: Point and Stare at Objects.
    Chapter 15: Protecting Members: Do Not Disturb.
    Chapter 16: “Why Do You Build Me Up, Just to Tear Me Down, Baby?”
    Chapter 17: Making Constructive Arguments.
    Chapter 18: Copying the Copy Copy Copy Constructor.
    Chapter 19: Static Members: Can Fabric Softener Help?

    Part IV: Inheritance.

    Chapter 20: Inheriting a Class.
    Chapter 21: Examining Virtual Member Functions: Are They for Real?
    Chapter 22: Factoring Classes.

    Part V: Optional Features.

    Chapter 23: A New Assignment Operator, Should You Decide to Accept It.
    Chapter 24: Using Stream I/O.
    Chapter 25: Handling Errors — Exceptions.
    Chapter 26: Inheriting Multiple Inheritance.
    Chapter 27: Tempting C++ Templates.
    Chapter 28: Standardizing on the Standard Template Library.

    Part VI: The Part of Tens.

    Chapter 29: Ten Ways to Avoid Adding Bugs to Your Program.
    Chapter 30: The Ten Most Important Optional Features of Dev-C++.

    Appendix: About the CD.
    Bonus Chapters on the CD-ROM!
    Bonus Chapter 1: A Functional Budget Program.
    Bonus Chapter 2: Using Visual C++.NET.
  • Citation

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