Online Solutions For Peter Atkins Physical Chemistry 8th Edition, The Eighth Edition of Atkins’ Physical Chemistry retains all the hallmarks that made it by far the most widely used textbook for the physical chemistry course, focusing on fundamental concepts, the relationship of theory to practice, and the far reaching impact of chemistry on other disciplines. With a wealth of new features and content, functional use of color, expanded multimedia, and the option of split volumes, this edition is the most effective yet at showing how physical chemistry is advancing – and helping your students advance with it.
Certain texts are considered staple parts of certain topics and Atkin’s Physical Chemistry is without a doubt one of these. It is with good reason that it is on most lecturers’ recommended reading lists and it is well worth a purchase as it is a text that will be your physical chemistry bible not only throughout your undergrad but later on as well.
The 8th edition (and presumably any later ones as well) also comes with the bonus of an online activation code which gives you access to an e-book version of the textbook as well as additional resources. This is invaluable as a university student who studies and lives in very different parts of the country as it saves the hassle of lugging what is a very heavy textbook about. There are a lot of additional features on the e-book designed to make note-taking easier though I haven’t used these extensively.
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