Physical Chemistry – Robert J. Silbey – 4th Edition


Ever since Physical Chemistry was first published in 1913 (then titled Outlines of Theoretical Chemistry, by Frederick Getman), it has remained a highly effective and relevant learning tool thanks to the efforts of physical chemists from all over the world. Each new edition has benefited from their suggestions and expert advice. The result of this remarkable tradition is now in your hands.

Now revised and updated, this Fourth Edition of Physical Chemistry by Silbey, Alberty, and Bawendi continues to present exceptionally clear explanations of concepts and methods.

The basic theory of chemistry is presented from the viewpoint of academic physical chemists, but detailed discussions of practical applications are integrated throughout. The problems in the book also skillfully blend theory and applications.

Highlights of the Fourth Edition:

  • A total of 170 computer problems appropriate for MATHEMATICATM, MATHCADTM, MATLABTM, or MAPLETM.
  • Increased emphasis on the thermodynamics and kinetics of biochemical reactions, including the denaturation of proteins and nucleic acids.
  • Expanded coverage of the uses of statistical mechanics, nuclear magnetic relaxation, nanoscience, and oscillating chemical reactions.
  • Many new tables and figures throughout the text.
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    1. Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics and Equations of State.
    2. First Law of Thermodynamics.
    3. Second and Third Laws of Thermodynamics.
    4. Fundamental Equations of Thermodynamics.
    5. Chemical Equilibrium.
    6. Phase Equilibrium.
    7. Electrochemical Equilibrium.
    8. Thermodynamics of Biochemical Reactions.

    9. Quantum Theory.
    10. Atomic Structure.
    11. Molecular Electronic Structure.
    12. Symmetry.
    13. Rotational and Vibrational Spectroscopy.
    14. Electronic Spectroscopy of Molecules.
    15. Magnetic Resonan ce Spectroscopy.
    16. Statistical Mechanics.

    3: KINETICS.
    17. Kinetic Theory of Gases.
    18. Experimental Kinetics and Gas Reactions.
    19. Chemical Dynamics and Photochemisty.
    20. Kinetics in the Liquid Phase.

    21. Macromolecules.
    22. Electric and Magnetic Properties of Molecules.
    23. Solid State Chemistry.
    24. Surface Dynamics.

    Appendix A: Physical Quantuties and Units.
    Appendix B: Values of Physical Constants.
    Appendix C: Tables of Physical Chemical Data.
    Appendix D: Mathematical Relations.
    Appendix E: Greek Alphabet.
    Appendix F: Useful Information on the Web.
    Appendix G: Symbols for Physical Quantities and Their SI Units.
    Appendix H: Answers to the First Set of Problems.
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