Aerodynamics for Engineering Students – E. I. Houghton, P. W. Carpenter – 5th Edition


The book has been revised to include the latest developments in flow control and boundary layers, and their influence on modern wing design as well as introducing recent advances in the understanding of fundamental fluid dynamics.

Computational methods have been expanded and updated to reflect the modern approaches to aerodynamic design and research in the aeronautical industry and elsewhere, and the structure of the text has been developed to reflect current course requirements.

The book is designed to be accessible and practical. Theory is developed logically within each chapter with notation, symbols and units well defined throughout, and the text is fully illustrated with worked examples and exercises.

The book recognizes the extensive use of computational techniques in contemporary aeronautical design. However, it can be used as a stand-alone text, reflecting the needs of many courses in the field for a thorough grounding in the underlying principles of the subject.

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  • 1. Basic concepts and definitions
    2. Governing equations of fluid mechanics
    3. Potential flow
    4. Two-dimensional wing theory
    5. Finite wing theory
    6. Compressible flow
    7. Viscous flow and boundary layers
    8. Flow control and wing desing
    9. Propellers and propulsion
  • Citation

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