A Heat Transfer Textbook – John Lienhard IV, John Lienhard V – 4th Edition


We set out to write clearly and accurately about heat transfer in the 1981 1st edition of A Heat Transfer Textbook. Now; this 5th edition embodies all we have learned about how best to do that.

The 1st edition went through many printings. A 2nd edition followed in 1987; and John H. Lienhard V; who had done some work on the 1st edition; added a new chapter on mass transfer. That edition went through more printings before we allowed it to briefly go out of print.

We decided; in the late ’90s; to create a new free-of-charge; 3rd edition for the Internet. The idea of an ebook was then entirely new; and not readily accepted. But the Dell Star Program funded the major updating and recoding of the text. That 3rd edition became a part of MIT’s new OpenCourseWare initiative in 2000. We also put out paperback versions of the 3rd edition through Phlogiston Press.

Continued revision and updating of the on-line version led to a 4th edition in 2010. By that time; people in almost every country; had downloaded it a quarter million times. Dover Publications then offered a low-cost paperback 4th edition in 2011.

From the first edition of A Heat Transfer Textbook in 1981; this book was meant to serve students as they set out to understand heat transfer in its many aspects. Whether the reader studies independently or in a classroom is beside the point; since learning (in either case) means formulating and surmounting one’s own questions. Where the book succeeds; it will be because students encounter a series of “Oh; now I see!” moments.

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  • I The General Problem of Heat Exchange
    1 Introduction
    1.1 Heat transfer
    1.2 Relation of heat transfer to thermodynamics
    1.3 Modes of heat transfer
    1.4 A look ahead
    1.5 About the end-of-chapter problems

    2 Heat conduction concepts, thermal resistance, and the overall heat transfer coefficient
    2.1 The heat conduction equation
    2.2 Steady heat conduction in a slab: method
    2.3 Thermal resistance and the electrical analogy
    2.4 Overall heat transfer coefficient, U
    2.5 Summary

    3 Heat exchanger design
    3.1 Function and configuration of heat exchangers
    3.2 Evaluation of the mean temperature difference in a heat exchanger
    3.3 Heat exchanger effectiveness
    3.4 Heat exchanger design

    II Analysis of Heat Conduction
    4 Conduction analysis, dimensional analysis, and fin design
    4.1 The well-posed problem
    4.2 General solution of the heat conduction equation
    4.3 Dimensional analysis
    4.4 Illustrative use of dimensional analysis in a complex steady conduction problem
    4.5 Fin design

    5 Transient and multidimensional heat conduction
    5.1 Introduction
    5.2 Lumped-capacity solutions
    5.3 Transient conduction in a one-dimensional slab
    5.4 Temperature-response charts
    5.5 One-term solutions
    5.6 Transient heat conduction to a semi-infinite region
    5.7 Steady multidimensional heat conduction
    5.8 Transient multidimensional heat conduction

    III Convective Heat Transfer
    6 Laminar and turbulent boundary layers
    6.1 Some introductory ideas
    6.2 Laminar incompressible boundary layer on a flat surface
    6.3 The energy equation
    6.4 The Prandtl number and the boundary layer thicknesses
    6.5 Heat transfer coefficient for laminar, incompressible flow over a flat surface
    6.6 The Reynolds-Colburn analogy
    6.7 Turbulent boundary layers
    6.8 Heat transfer in turbulent boundary layers

    7 Forced convection in a variety of configurations
    7.1 Introduction
    7.2 Heat transfer to or from laminar flows in pipes
    7.3 Turbulent pipe flow
    7.4 Heat transfer surface viewed as a heat exchanger
    7.5 Heat transfer coefficients for noncircular ducts
    7.6 Heat transfer during cross flow over cylinders
    7.7 Finding and assessing correlations for other configurations

    8 Natural convection in single-phase fluids and during film condensation
    8.1 Scope
    8.2 The nature of the problems of film condensation and of natural convection
    8.3 Laminar natural convection on a vertical isothermal surface
    8.4 Natural convection in other situations
    8.5 Film condensation

    9 Heat transfer in boiling and other phase-change configurations
    9.1 Nukiyama’s experiment and the pool boiling curve
    9.2 Nucleate boiling
    9.3 Peak pool boiling heat flux
    9.4 Film boiling
    9.5 Minimum heat flux
    9.6 Transition boiling
    9.7 Other system influences
    9.8 Forced convection boiling in tubes
    9.9 Forced convective condensation heat transfer
    9.10 Dropwise condensation
    9.11 The heat pipe

    IV Thermal Radiation Heat Transfer
    10 Radiative heat transfer
    10.1 The problem of radiative exchange
    10.2 Kirchhoff’s law
    10.3 Radiant heat exchange between two finite black bodies
    10.4 Heat transfer among gray bodies
    10.5 Gaseous radiation
    10.6 Solar energy

    V Mass Transfer
    11 An introduction to mass transfer
    11.1 Introduction
    11.2 Mixture compositions and species fluxes
    11.3 Fick’s law of diffusion
    11.4 The equation of species conservation
    11.5 Mass transfer at low rates
    11.6 Simultaneous heat and mass transfer
    11.7 Steady mass transfer with counterdiffusion
    11.8 Mass transfer coefficients at high rates of mass transfer
    11.9 Heat transfer at high mass transfer rates
    11.10 Transport properties of mixtures

    VI Appendices
    A. Some thermophysical properties of selected materials
    B. Units and conversion factors
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