Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice – Theodore Rappaport – 2nd Edition


The leading book on wireless communications offers a wealth of practical information on the implementation realities of wireless communications. This book also contains up-to-date information on the major wireless communications standards from around the world. Covers every fundamental aspect of wireless communications, from cellular system design to networking, plus world-wide standards, including ETACS, GSM, and PDC. Theodore Rappaport is Series Editor for the Prentice Hall Communication, Engineering, and Emerging Technologies Series.

Building on his classic first edition, Theodore S. Rappaport covers the fundamental issues impacting all wireless networks and reviews virtually every important new wireless standard and technological development, offering especially comprehensive coverage of the 3G systems and wireless local area networks (WLANs) that will transform communications in the coming years.

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  • 1. Introduction to Wireless Communication Systems.
    2. Modern Wireless Communication Systems.
    3. The Cellular ConceptQSystem Design Fundamentals.
    4. Mobile Radio Propagation: Large-Scale Path Loss.
    5. Mobile Radio Propagation: Small-Scale Fading and Multipath.
    6. Modulation Techniques for Mobile Radio.
    7. Equalization, Diversity, and Channel Coding.
    8. Speech Coding.
    9. Multiple Access Techniques for Wireless Communications.
    10. Wireless Networking.
    11. Wireless Systems and Standards.

    Appendix A. Trunking Theory.
    Appendix B. Noise Figure Calculations for Link Budgets.
    Appendix C. Rate Variance Relationships for Shape Factor Theory.
    Appendix D. Approximate Spatial Autocovariance Function for Shape Factor Theory.
    Appendix E. Gaussian Approximations for Spread Spectrum CDMA.
    Appendix F. Q, erf & erfc Functions.
    Appendix G. Mathematical Tables, Functions, and Transforms.
    Appendix H. Abbreviations and Acronyms.
    Appendix I. References.
  • Citation

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