Statics and Strength of Materials for Architecture – Onouye, Kane – 4th Edition


Statics and Resistance of Materials for Construction Architecture and Building, fourth edition, offers students an accessible and visually oriented introduction to structural theory that is not based on calculation.
Instead, it is based on illustrations and examples of frames, as well as building elements so that students can better visualize the relationship between theoretical concepts and the experience nature of real and material buildings.
This new edition includes new fully worked-out examples in each chapter, an accompanying web page with additional practice problems, and extended tracing.

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  • 1. Introduction
    1.1. Definition of Structure
    1.2. Structural Design
    1.3. Parallels in Nature
    1.4. Loads on Structures
    1.5. Basic Functional Requirements
    1.6. Architectural Issues
    2. Statics
    2.1. Characteristics of a Force
    2.2. Vector Addition
    2.3. Force Systems
    2.4. Equilibrium Equations: Two-Dimensional
    2.5. Free-Body Diagrams of Rigid Bodies
    2.6. Statical Indeterminacy and Improper Constraints
    3. Analysis of Selected Determinate Structural Systems
    3.1. Equilibrium of a Particle
    3.2. Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies
    3.3. Plane Trusses
    3.4. Pinned Frames (Multiforce Members)
    3.5. Three-Hinged Arches
    3.6. Retaining Walls
    4. Load Tracing
    4.1. Load Tracing
    4.2. Lateral Stability Load Tracing
    5. Strength of Materials
    5.1. Stress and Strain
    5.2. Elasticity, Strength, and Deformation
    5.3. Other Material Properties
    5.4. Thermal Effects
    5.5. Statically Indeterminate Members (Axially Loaded)
    6. Cross-Sectional Properties of Structural Members
    6.1. Center of Gravity–Centroids
    6.2. Moment of Inertia of an Area
    6.3. Moment of Inertia of Composite Areas
    6.4. Radius of Gyration
    7. Bending and Shear in Simple Beams
    7.1. Classification of Beams and Loads
    7.2. Shear and Bending Moment
    7.3. Equilibrium Method for Shear and Moment Diagrams
    7.4. Relationship Between Load, Transverse Shear, and Bending Moment
    7.5. Semi-graphical Method for Load, Shear, and Moment Diagrams
    8. Bending and Shear Stresses in Beams
    8.1. Flexural Strain
    8.2. Flexural (Bending) Stress Equation
    8.3. Shearing Stress–Longitudinal and Transverse
    8.4. Development of the General Shear Stress Equation
    8.5. Deflection in Beams
    8.6. Lateral Buckling in Beams
    8.7. Introduction to Load Resistance Factor Design (LRFD)
    9. Column Analysis and Design
    9.1. Short and Long Columns–Modes of Failure
    9.2. End Support Conditions and Lateral Bracing
    9.3. Axially Loaded Steel Columns
    9.4. Axially Loaded Wood Columns
    9.5. Columns Subjected to Combined Loading or Eccentricity
    10. Structural Connections
    10.1. Steel Bolted Connections
    10.2. Welded Connections
    10.3. Common Framing Details in Steel
    11. Structure, Construction, and Architecture
    11.1. Initiation of Project–Pre-design
    11.2. Design Process
    11.3. Schematic Design
    11.4. Design Development and Construction Documents
    11.5. Integration of Building Systems
    11.6. Construction Sequence
    11.7. Conclusion
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