Strength of Materials and Structures – John Case, Lord Chilver – 4th Edition


Engineers need to be familiar with the fundamental principles and concepts in materials and structures in order to be able to design structurers to resist failures. For 4 decades, this book has provided engineers with these fundamentals.

Thoroughly updated, the book has been expanded to cover everything on materials and structures that engineering students are likely to need. Starting with basic mechanics, the book goes on to cover modern numerical techniques such as matrix and finite element methods. There is also additional material on composite materials, thick shells, flat plates and the vibrations of complex structures.

Illustrated throughout with worked examples, the book also provides numerous problems for students to attempt. This new edition covers requirements for an engineering undergraduate course on strength of materials and structures.

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  • 1: Introduction
    2: Pinjointed frames or trusses
    3: Shearing stress
    4: Joints and connections
    5: Analysis of stress and strain
    6: Thin shells under internal pressure
    7: Bending moments and shearing forces
    8: Geometrical properties of crosssections
    9: Longitudinal stresses in beams
    10: Shearing stresses in beams
    11: Beams of two materials
    12: Bending stresses and direct stresses combined
    13: Deflections of beams
    14: Builtin and continuous beams
    15: Plastic bending of mildsteel beams
    16: Torsion of circular shafts and thinwalled tubes
    17: Energy methods
    18: Buckling of columns and beams
    19: Lateral deflections of circular plates
    20: Torsion of noncircular sections
    21: Thick circular cylinders discs and spheres
    22: Introduction to matrix algebra
    23: Matrix methods of structural analysis
    24: The finite element method
    25: Structural vibrations
  • Citation

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