Fundamentals of Signals and Systems Using the Web and Matlab® – E. Kamen – 3rd Edition


This book presents a comprehensive introduction to and discussion of continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems, with demos on the Web and MATLAB examples integrated throughout the text. Featured in this edition is material on control systems, including a description of a digital control lab project. The book includes a wide range of examples and problems on different areas in engineering, including electrical circuits, mechanical systems, and biological systems.

MATLAB is introduced and used to solve numerous examples in the book. Control System Toolbox, Signal Processing Toolbox, and Symbolic Math Toolbox are also briefly introduced.

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  • 1. Fundamental Concepts.
    2. Systems Defined by Differential or Difference Equations.
    3. Convolution Representation.
    4. The Fourier Series and Fourier Transform.
    5. Frequency Domain- Analysis of Systems.
    6. Fourier Analysis of Discrete-Time Signals and Systems.
    7. The Laplace Transform and the Transfer Function Representation.
    8. System Analysis Using the Transfer Function Representation.
    9. Application to Control.
    10. The z-Transform and Discrete-Time Systems.
    11. Design of Digital Filters and Controllers.
    12. State Representation.
  • Citation
    • Full Title: Fundamentals of Signals and Systems Using the Web and Matlab®
    • Author/s:
    • ISBN-10: 131687379
    • ISBN-13: 9780131687370
    • Edition: 3rd Edition
    • Publication date: 2006
    • Topic: Electrical
    • Subtopic: Digital Signal Processing
    • File Type: Solution Manual

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