Object Oriented Analysis and Design – Mike O´Docherty – 1st Edition


This book provides a thorough grounding in object-oriented analysis and design, providing authoritative and accessible coverage of object-oriented concepts, the software development process, UML and multi-tier technologies.

Using only the most common technologies and methodologies, aligned with a single case study which runs throughout the text, the book provides a broad understanding of the processes used in object-oriented software development, the production of computer programs using object-oriented techniques.

Beginning with the basic groundwork underpinning object-oriented software projects, before focusing on practical development issues, this book uses a methodology based on the widely used Rational Unified Process (RUP), and test-driven development using JUnit. The book follows the steps of a typical development project, incorporating requirements capture, design, specification and testing; the running case study shows with remarkable clarity how an abstract problem is taken through to a concrete solution. Regular exercises and online material available on the accompanying website make the book exceptionally useful for self-study.

Object-Oriented Analysis and Design is programming language agnostic, ensuring that code is kept to a minimum to avoid detail and deviation into implementation minutiae. Whether you are a student at a university or on a commercial training course, or an experienced software developer moving into object orientation, this book is for you. It provides an easy to understand, practical and motivational description of object-oriented analysis and design.

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  • 1. Introduction.
    Part I: Setting the Scene.
    2. Object Concepts.
    3. Inheritance.
    4. Type Systems.
    5. Software Development Methodologies.

    Part II: Understanding the Problem.
    6. Gathering Requirements.
    7. Analyzing the Problem.

    Part III: Designing the Solution.
    8. Designing the System Architecture.
    9. Choosing Technologies.
    10. Designing the Subsystems.
    11. Reusable Design Patterns.
    12. Specifying the Interfaces of Classes.
    13. Continuous Testing.

    Appendix A: Ripple Summary.
    Appendix B: iCoot Case Study.
    Appendix C: Summary of UML Notation Used.
  • Citation

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