Modern Quantum Mechanics – J. J. Sakurai, Jim Napolitano – 2nd Edition


This best-selling classic provides a graduate-level, non-historical, modern introduction of quantum mechanical concepts. The author, J. J. Sakurai, was a renowned theorist in particle theory. This revision by Jim Napolitano retains the original material and adds topics that extend the text’s usefulness into the 21st century.

The introduction of new material, and modification of existing material, appears in a way that better prepares the student for the next course in quantum field theory. You will still find such classic developments as neutron interferometer experiments, Feynman path integrals, correlation measurements, and Bell’s inequality. The style and treatment of topics is now more consistent across chapters.

The Second Edition has been updated for currency and consistency across all topics and has been checked for the right amount of mathematical rigor.

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  • 1. Fundamental Concepts
    2. Quantum Dynamics
    3. Theory of Angular Momentum
    4. Symmetry in Quantum Mechanics
    5. Approximation Methods
    6. Scattering Theory
    7. Identical Particles
    8. Relativistic Quantum Mechanics 331

    A. Electromagnetic Units
    B. Brief Summary of Elementary Solutions to ShröDinger's Wave Eqation
  • Citation

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