Quantum Mechanics – Eugen Merzbacher – 3rd Edition


Rapid advances in quantum optics, atomic physics, particle physics and other areas have been driven by fantastic progress in instrumentation (especially lasers) and computing technology as well as by the ever-increasing emphasis on symmetry and information concepts-requiring that all physicists receive a thorough grounding in quantum mechanics.

This book provides a carefully structured and complete exposition of quantum mechanics and illustrates the common threads linking many different phenomena and subfields of physics.

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  • Introduction to Quantum Mechanics.
    Wave Packets, Free Particle Motion, and the Wave Equation.
    The Schrödinger Equation, the Wave Function, and Operator Algebra.
    The Principles of Wave Mechanics.
    The Linear Harmonic Oscillator.
    Sectionally Constant Potentials in One Dimension.
    The WKB Approximation.
    Variational Methods and Simple Perturbation Theory.
    Vector Spaces in Quantum Mechanics.
    Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Operators, the Uncertainty Relations, and the Harmonic Oscillator.
    Angular Momentum in Quantum Mechanics.
    Spherically Symmetric Potentials.
    The Principles of Quantum Dynamics.
    The Quantum Dynamics of a Particle.
    The Spin.
    Rotations and Other Symmetry Operations.
    Bound-State Perturbation Theory.
    Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory.
    The Formal Theory of Scattering.
    Identical Particles.
    Applications to Many-Body Systems.
    Photons and the Electromagnetic Field.
    Relativistic Electron Theory.
  • Citation

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