The main objective of a basic mechanics course should be to develop in the engineering stu-dent the ability to analyze a given problem in a simple and logical manner and to apply to itssolution a few fundamental and well-understood principles. This text is designed for the firstcourse in mechanics of materialsor strength of materialsoffered to engineering students inthe sophomore or junior year. The authors hope that it will help instructors achieve this goalin that particular course in the same way that their other texts may have helped them in staticsand dynamics. To assist in this goal, the seventh edition has undergone a complete edit of thelanguage to make the book easier to read.
In this text the study of the mechanics of materials is based on the understanding of a few basicconcepts and on the use of simplified models. This approach makes it possible to develop allthe necessary formulas in a rational and logical manner, and to indicate clearly the conditionsunder which they can be safely applied to the analysis and design of actual engineering struc-tures and machine components.
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