Materials Science and Engineering an Introduction – William D. Callister – 7th Edition


Based on the extraordinary success of the five best-selling editions, this new edition of Bill Callister’s’ Science and Materials Engineering ‘continues to promote students’ understanding of the subject through clear and concise writing; family terminology that is not beyond the students’ understanding.
 The topics are organized and explained in an accessible way, so that even instructors who do not have a strong base can easily teach subjects of this text. The text treats the important properties of the three main types of materials (metals, ceramics and polymers) and compounds, as well as the relationships that exist between the structural elements of the materials and their properties.
 At all times, the emphasis is on mechanical behavior and failure, including the techniques used to improve performance. The individual chapters discuss the properties of corrosion, electrical, thermal, magnetic and optical, as well as new and cutting-edge materials.

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  • Introduction.
    Atomic structure and interatomic links.
    The structure of crystalline solids.
    Imperfections in solids.
    Mechanical properties of metals.
    Dislocations and reinforcement mechanisms.
    Phase diagrams.
    Phase transformations in metals.
    Thermal treatment of metal alloys.
    Metal alloys.
    Structure and properties of ceramics.
    Applications and shaping of ceramics.
    Structural polymers.
    Characteristics, applications and shaping of polymers.
    Corrosion and degradation of materials.
    Electrical properties.
    Thermal properties.
    Optical properties.
    Selecting materials
  • Citation

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