An Introduction to Nuclear Physics – W. N. Cottingham, D. A. Greenwood – 2nd Edition


This book provides an excellent basis for a core module in nuclear physics for intermediate university students of physics. It is distinguished by its combination of clarity and conciseness. The book opens by setting nuclear physics in the context of elementary particle physics and goes on to describe many aspects and applications of nuclear physics. This second edition contains several new additional topics. Each chapter ends with a set of problems for which outline solutions are provided.

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  • 1. Prologue
    2. Leptons and the electromagnetic and weak interactions
    3. Nucleons and the strong interaction
    4. Nuclear sizes and nuclear masses
    5. Ground-state properties of nuclei: the shell model
    6. Alpha decay and spontaneous fission
    7. Excited states of nuclei
    8. Nuclear reactions
    9. Power from nuclear fission
    10. Nuclear fusion
    11. Nucleosynthesis in stars
    12. Beta decay and gamma decay
    13. Neutrinos
    14. The passage of energetic particles through matter

    Appendix A. Cross-sections
    Appendix B. Density of states
    Appendix C. Angular momentum
    Appendix D. Unstable states and resonances
  • Citation

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