A microprocessor (abbreviated µP) is a digital electronic component with miniaturized transistors on a single semiconductor integrated circuit (IC). One or more microprocessors typically serve as a central processing unit (CPU) in a computer system or handheld device.
Microprocessors have drastically evolved through the past few years. Computing has, hence never remained the same. From their humble beginnings as the drivers for calculators, the continued increase in power has led to the dominance of microprocessors over every other form of computer; every system from the largest mainframes to the smallest handheld computers now uses a microprocessor at its core.
A trusted name in the world of microprocessors, Douglas V Hall has been almost synonymous with effectively teaching microprocessors.
The content-organization of the book, Hall: Microprocessors and Interfacing, Revised 2nd Edition, reflects the way microprocessor 8086 is taught. 8086 is still the best starting point for learning about microprocessors. Hence the discourse is mainly based on 8086. Advanced features of newer processors are also discussed toward the end of the book. The inclusion of Pentium Processors and their architecture completes the experience.
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