General Chemistry – Darrell Ebbing, Steven D. Gammon – 10th Edition


The tenth edition of this market-leading text has been substantially revised to meet the rapidly changing instructional demands of GENERAL CHEMISTRY professors.

Known for its carefully developed, thoroughly integrated, step-by-step approach to problem solving, GENERAL CHEMISTRY helps students master quantitative skills and build a lasting conceptual understanding of key chemical concepts. The tenth edition retains this hallmark approach and builds upon the conceptual focus through key new features and revisions.

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  • <strong>Part I: Basics of Chemistry.</strong>

    1.Chemistry and Measurement.
    2. Atoms, Molecules, and Ions.
    3.Calculations with Chemical Formulas and Equations.
    4. Chemical Reactions.
    5. The Gaseous State.
    6. Thermochemistry.

    <strong>Part II: Atomic and Molecular Structure</strong>

    7. Quantum Theory of the Atom.
    8. Electron Configurations and Periodicity.
    9. Ionic and Covalent Bonding
    10. Molecular Geometry and Chemical Bonding Theory.

    <strong>Part III: States of Matter and Solutions.</strong>

    11. States of Matter; Liquids and Solids
    12. Solutions.
    13. Rates of Reaction
    14. Chemical Equilibrium.
    15. Acids and Bases
    16. Acid-Base Equilibria
    17. Solubility and Complex-Ion Equilibria
    18. Thermodynamics and Equilibrium.
    19. Electrochemistry.
    20. Nuclear Chemistry
    21. Chemistry of the Main-Group Elements.
    22. The Transition Elements and Coordination Compounds.
    23. Organic Chemistry
    24. Polymer Materials: Synthetic and Biological.
  • Citation

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