In this Present the basic fundamentals at a level appropriate for college/university students who have completed their freshman courses in calculus, chemistry, and physics. Present the topic in a logical order, from the simple to the most complex. Each chapter builds on the content of the above If a topic or concept is worth covering, then it is worth covering in sufficient detail and to the extent that students have the opportunity to fully understand it without having to consult other sources, , in most cases, some practical relevance is provided.
Inclusion of features in the book that speed up the learning process, to include the following: photographs/illustrations (some in full color), Learning objectives, “”Why study . . . and “Important Materials” items (to provide relevance), Concept check questions (to assess conceptual understanding), end-of-chapter questions and problems (to develop understanding of concepts and problem-solving skills), Answers at the end of the book to selected problems (to verify the accuracy of the work),
Answers at the end of the book to selected problems (to verify the accuracy of the work),
Respuestas al final del libro a problemas seleccionados (para verificar la precisión del trabajo),
Back-of-book answers to selected problems (to check accuracy of work),
Respuestas al final del libro a problemas seleccionados (para verificar la precisión del trabajo),
summary tables at the end of the chapter containing key equations and equation symbols, and a glossary (for easy reference). Use of new educational technologies to improve teaching and learning processes.
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