Ceramic Materials, Science and Engineering – C. Barry Carter, M. Grant Norton – 1st Edition


The book includes general backgrounds materials, the basics of ceramic materials science and advanced applications of ceramic science and technology. Therefore, non-specialists (even non-science majors) including undergraduate, and graduate students as well as experts in the field can learn from various parts of in this book.

Ceramic Materials: Science and Engineering is an up-to-date treatment of ceramic science, engineering, and applications in a single, comprehensive text. Building on a foundation of crystal structures, phase equilibria, defects, and the mechanical properties of ceramic materials, students are shown how these materials are processed for a wide diversity of applications in today’s society.

Concepts such as how and why ions move, how ceramics interact with light and magnetic fields, and how they respond to temperature changes are discussed in the context of their applications. References to the art and history of ceramics are included throughout the text, and a chapter is devoted to ceramics as gemstones.

This course-tested text now includes expanded chapters on the role of ceramics in industry and their impact on the environment as well as a chapter devoted to applications of ceramic materials in clean energy technologies. Also new are expanded sets of text-specific homework problems and other resources for instructors. The revised and updated Second Edition is further enhanced with color illustrations throughout the text.

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  • Part I. History and introduction
    Part II. Materials
    Part III. Tools
    Part IV. Defects
    Part V. Mechanical strength and weakness
    Part VI. Processing
    Part VII. Properties and applications
  • Citation

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