Fundamentals of Machine Component Design – R. Juvinall, K. Marshek – 1st Edition


Fundamentals of Machine Component Design focuses on sound problem solving strategies and skills needed to navigate through large amounts of information.

Revisions in the text include coverage of Fatigue in addition to a continued concentration on the fundamentals of component design. Several other new features include new learning objectives added at the beginning of all chapters; updated end-of-chapter problems, the elimination of weak problems and addition of new problems; updated applications for currency and relevance and new ones where appropriate; new system analysis problems and examples; improved sections dealing with Fatigue; expanded coverage of failure theory; and updated references.

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  • Part 1 Fundamentals
    Chapter 1: Mechanical Engineering design in Broad Perspective
    1.1 An Overview of the Subject
    1.2 Safety Considerations
    1.3 Ecological Considerations
    1.4 Societal Considerations,
    1.5 Overall Design Considerations
    1.6 Systems of Units
    1.7 Methodology for Solving Machine Component Problems
    1.8 Work and Energy
    1.9 Power
    1.10 Conservation of Energy

    Chapter 2: Load Analysis

    2.1 Introduction
    2.2 Equilibrium Equations and Free-Body Diagrams
    2.3 Beam Loading
    2.4 Locating Critical Sections-Force Flow Concept
    2.5 Load Division Between Redundant Supports
    2.6 Force Flow Concept Applied to Redundant Ductile Structures

    Chapter 3: Materials

    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 The Static Tensile Test-"Engineering" Stress-Strain Relationships
    3.3 Implications of the "Engineering" Stress-Strain Curve
    3.4 The Static Tensile Test-"True" Stress-Strain Relationships
    3.5 Energy-Absorbing Capacity
    3.6 Estimating Strength Properties from Penetration Hardness Tests
    3.7 Use of "Handbook" Data for Material Strength Properties
    3.8 Machinability
    3.9 Cast Iron
    3.10 Steel
    3.11 Nonferrous Alloys
    3.12 Plastics, and Composites
    3.13 Material Selection Charts
    3.14 Engineering Material Selection Process

    Chapter 4: Static Body Stresses

    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Axial Loading
    4.3 Direct Shear Loading
    4.4 Torsional Loading,
    4.5 Pure Bending Loading, Straight Beams
    4.6 Pure Bending Loading, Curved Beams
    4.7 Transverse Shear Loading in Beams
    4.8 Induced Stresses, Mohr Circle Representation
    4.9 Combined Stresses-Mohr Circle Representation
    4.10 Stress Equations Related to Mohr's Circle
    4.11 Three-Dimensional Stresses
    4.12 Stress Concentration Factor, Kt
    4.13 Importance of Stress Concentration
    4.14 Residual Stresses Caused by Yielding-Axial Loading
    4.15 Residual Stresses Caused by Yielding-Bending and Torsional Loading
    4.16 Thermal Stresses
    4.17 Importance of Residual Stresses

    Chapter 5: Elastic strain, Deflection, and Stability

    5.1 Introduction
    5.2 Strain Definition, Measurement, and Mohr Circle Representation
    5.3 Analysis of Strain-Equiangular Rosettes
    5.4 Analysis of Strain-Rectangular Rosettes
    5.5 Elastic Stress-Strain Relationships and Three-Dimensional Mohr Circles
    5.6 Deflection and Spring Rate-Simple Cases
    5.7 Beam Deflection
    5.8 Determining Elastic Deflections by Castigliano's Method
    5.9 Redundant Reactions by Castigliano's Method
    5.10 Euler Column Buckling-Elastic Instability
    5.11 Effective Column Length for Various End Conditions
    5.12 Column Design Equations-J. B. Johnson Parabola
    5.13 Eccentric Column Loading-the Secant Formula
    5.14 Equivalent Column Stresses
    5.15 Other Types of Buckling
    5.16 Finite Element Analysis

    Chapter 6: Failure Theories, Safety Factors, and Reliability

    6.1 Introduction
    6.2 Types of Failure
    6.3 Fracture Mechanics-Basic Concepts
    6.4 Fracture Mechanics-Applications
    6.5 The "Theory" of Static Failure Theories
    6.6 Maximum-Normal-Stress Theory, 265
    6.7 Maximum-Shear-Stress Theory, 265
    6.8 Maximum-Distortion-Energy Theory (Maximum- Octahedral-Shear-Stress Theory
    6.9 Modified Mohr Theory
    6.10 Selection and Use of Failure Theories
    6.11 Safety Factors-Concept and Definition
    6.12 Safety Factors-Selection of a Numerical Value
    6.13 Reliability
    6.14 Normal Distributions
    6.15 Interference Theory of Reliability Prediction

    Chapter 7: Impact

    7.1 Introduction
    7.2 Stress and Deflection Caused by Linear and Bending Impact
    7.3 Stress and Deflection Caused by Torsional Impact
    7.4 Effect of Stress Raisers on Impact Strength

    Chapter 8: Fatigue

    8.1 Introduction, 312
    8.2 Basic Concepts, 312
    8.3 Standard Fatigue Strengths ( ) for Rotating Bending, 314
    8.4 Fatigue Strengths for Reversed Bending and Reversed Axial Loading, 320
    8.5 Fatigue Strength for Reversed Torsional Loading, 321
    8.6 Fatigue Strength for Reversed Biaxial Loading, 322
    8.7 Influence of Surface and Size on Fatigue Strength, 323
    8.8 Summary of Estimated Fatigue Strengths for Completely Reversed Loading, 326
    8.9 Effect of Mean Stress on Fatigue Strength, 326
    8.10 Effect of Stress Concentration with Completely Reversed Fatigue Loading, 334
    8.11 Effect of Stress Concentration with Mean Plus Alternating Loads
    8.12 Fatigue Life Prediction with Randomly Varying Loads
    8.13 Effect of Surface Treatments on the Fatigue Strength of a Part
    8.14 Mechanical Surface Treatments-Shot Peening and Others
    8.15 Thermal and Chemical Surface-Hardening Treatments (Induction Hardening, Carburizing, and Others)
    8.16 Fatigue Crack Growth
    8.17 General Approach for Fatigue Design

    Chapter 9: Surface Damage

    9.1 Introduction
    9.2 Corrosion: Fundamentals
    9.3 Corrosion: Electrode and Electrolyte Heterogeneity
    9.4 Design for Corrosion Control
    9.5 Corrosion Plus Static Stress
    9.6 Corrosion Plus Cyclic Stress
    9.7 Cavitation Damage
    9.8 Types of Wear
    9.9 Adhesive Wear
    9.10 Abrasive Wear
    9.11 Fretting
    9.12 Analytical Approach to Wear
    9.13 Curved-Surface Contact Stresses
    9.14 Surface Fatigue Failures
    9.15 Closure

    Part 2 Applications

    Chapter 10: Threaded Fasteners and Power Screws

    10.1 Introduction
    10.2 Thread Forms, Terminology, and Standards
    10.3 Power Screws
    10.4 Static Screw Stresses
    10.5 Threaded Fastener Types
    10.6 Fastener Materials and Methods of Manufacture
    10.7 Bolt Tightening and Initial Tension
    10.8 Thread Loosening and Thread Locking
    10.9 Bolt Tension with External Joint-Separating Force
    10.10 Bolt (or Screw) Selection for Static Loading
    10.11 Bolt (or Screw) Selection for Fatigue Loading: Fundamentals
    10.12 Bolt (or Screw) Selection for Fatigue Loading: Using Special Test Data
    10.13 Increasing Bolted-Joint Fatigue Strength

    Chapter 11: Rivets, Welding, and Bonding

    11.1 Introduction
    11.2 Rivets
    11.3 Welding Processes
    11.4 Welded Joints Subjected to Static Axial and Direct Shear Loading
    11.5 Welded Joints Subjected to Static Torsional and Bending Loading
    11.6 Fatigue Considerations in Welded Joints
    11.7 Brazing and Soldering
    11.8 Adhesives

    Chapter 12: Springs

    12.1 Introduction, 497
    12.2 Torsion Bar Springs, 497
    12.3 Coil Spring Stress and Deflection Equations, 498
    12.4 Stress and Strength Analysis for Helical Compression Springs-Static Loading
    12.5 End Designs of Helical Compression Springs
    12.6 Buckling Analysis of Helical Compression Springs
    12.7 Design Procedure for Helical Compression Springs-Static Loading
    12.8 Design of Helical Compression Springs for Fatigue Loading
    12.9 Helical Extension Springs
    12.10 Beam Springs (Including Leaf Springs)
    12.11 Torsion Springs
    12.12 Miscellaneous Springs

    Chapter 13: Lubrication and Sliding Bearings

    13.1 Types of Lubricants
    13.2 Types of Sliding Bearings
    13.3 Types of Lubrication
    13.4 Basic Concepts of Hydrodynamic Lubrication
    13.5 Viscosity
    13.6 Temperature and Pressure Effects on Viscosity
    13.7 Petroff's Equation for Bearing Friction
    13.8 Hydrodynamic Lubrication Theory
    13.9 Design Charts for Hydrodynamic Bearings
    13.10 Lubricant Supply
    13.11 Heat Dissipation, and Equilibrium Oil Film Temperature
    13.12 Bearing Materials
    13.13 Hydrodynamic Bearing Design
    13.14 Boundary and Mixed-Film Lubrication
    13.15 Thrust Bearings
    13.16 Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication

    Chapter 14: Rolling-Element Bearings

    14.1 Comparison of Alternative Means for Supporting Rotating Shafts
    14.2 History of Rolling-Element Bearings
    14.3 Rolling-Element Bearing Types
    14.4 Design of Rolling-Element Bearings
    14.5 Fitting of Rolling-Element Bearings
    14.6 "Catalogue Information" for Rolling-Element Bearings
    14.7 Bearing Selection
    14.8 Mounting Bearings to Provide Properly for Thrust Load

    Chapter 15: Spur Gears

    15.1 Introduction and History
    15.2 Geometry and Nomenclature
    15.3 Interference and Contact Ratio
    15.4 Gear Force Analysis
    15.5 Gear-Tooth Strength
    15.6 Basic Analysis of Gear-Tooth-Bending Stress (Lewis Equation)
    15.7 Refined Analysis of Gear-Tooth-Bending Strength: Basic Concepts
    15.8 Refined Analysis of Gear-Tooth-Bending Strength: Recommended Procedure
    15.9 Gear-Tooth Surface Durability-Basic Concepts
    15.10 Gear-Tooth Surface Fatigue Analysis-Recommended Procedure
    15.11 Spur Gear Design Procedures
    15.12 Gear Materials
    15.13 Gear Trains

    Chapter 16: Helical, Bevel, and Worm Gears

    16.1 Introduction
    16.2 Helical-Gear Geometry and Nomenclature
    16.3 Helical-Gear Force Analysis
    16.4 Helical-Gear-Tooth-Bending and Surface Fatigue Strengths
    16.5 Crossed Helical Gears
    16.6 Bevel Gear Geometry and Nomenclature
    16.7 Bevel Gear Force Analysis
    16.8 Bevel-Gear-Tooth-Bending and Surface Fatigue Strengths
    16.9 Bevel Gear Trains; Differential Gears
    16.10 Worm Gear Geometry and Nomenclature
    16.11 Worm Gear Force and Efficiency Analysis
    16.12 Worm-Gear-Bending and Surface Fatigue Strengths
    16.13 Worm Gear Thermal Capacity

    Chapter 17: Shafts and Associated Parts

    17.1 Introduction
    17.2 Provision for Shaft Bearings
    17.3 Mounting Parts onto Rotating Shafts
    17.4 Rotating-Shaft Dynamics
    17.5 Overall Shaft Design
    17.6 Keys, Pins, and Splines
    17.7 Couplings and Universal Joints

    Chapter 18: Clutches and Brakes

    18.1 Introduction
    18.2 Disk Clutches
    18.3 Disk Brakes
    18.4 Energy Absorption and Cooling
    18.5 Cone Clutches and Brakes
    18.6 Short-Shoe Drum Brakes
    18.7 Eternal Long-Shoe Drum Brakes
    18.8 Internal Long-Shoe Drum Brakes
    18.9 Band Brakes

    Chapter 19: Miscellaneous Machine Components

    19.1 Introduction
    19.2 Flat Belts
    19.3 V-Belts
    19.4 Toothed Belts
    19.5 Roller Chains
    19.6 Inverted-Tooth Chains
    19.7 History of Hydrodynamic Drives
    19.8 Fluid Couplings
    19.9 Hydrodynamic Torque Converters

    Chapter 20: Machine Component Interrelationships (ONLINE ONLY)

    Appendix A: Units
    A-1a Conversion Factors for British Gravitational, English, and SI Units
    A-1b Conversion Factor Equalities Listed by Physical Quantity
    A-2a Standard SI Prefixes
    A-2b SI Units and Symbols
    A-3 Suggested SI Prefixes for Stress Calculations
    A-4 Suggested SI Prefixes for Linear-Deflection Calculations
    A-5 Suggested SI Prefixes for Angular-Deflection Calculations

    Appendix B: Properties of Sections and Solids
    B-1a Properties of Sections, 813
    B-1b Dimensions and Properties of Steel Pipe and Tubing Sections, 814
    B-2 Mass and Mass Moments of Inertia of Homogeneous Solids, 816

    Appendix C: Material Properties and Uses
    C-1 Physical Properties of Common Metals
    C-2 Tensile Properties of Some Metals
    C-3a Typical Mechanical Properties and Uses of Gray Cast Iron
    C-3b Mechanical Properties and Typical Uses of Malleable Cast Iron
    C-3c Average Mechanical Properties and Typical Uses of Ductile (Nodular) Iron
    C-4a Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon and Alloy Steels
    C-4b Typical Uses of Plain Carbon Steels
    C-5a Properties of Some Water-Quenched and Tempered Steels
    C-5b Properties of Some Oil-Quenched and Tempered Carbon Steels
    C-5c Properties of Some Oil-Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steels
    C-6 Effect of Mass on Strength Properties of Steel
    C-7 Mechanical Properties of Some Carburizing Steels
    C-8 Mechanical Properties of Some Wrought Stainless Steels
    C-9 Mechanical Properties of Some Iron-Based Superalloys
    C-10 Mechanical Properties, Characteristics, and Typical Uses of Some Wrought Aluminum Alloys
    C-11 Tensile Properties, Characteristics, and Typical Uses of Some Cast-Aluminum Alloys
    C-12 Temper Designations for Aluminum and Magnesium Alloys
    C-13 Mechanical Properties of Some Copper Alloys
    C-14 Mechanical Properties of Some Magnesium Alloys
    C-15 Mechanical Properties of Some Nickel Alloys
    C-16 Mechanical Properties of Some Wrought-Titanium Alloys
    C-17 Mechanical Properties of Some Zinc Casting Alloys
    C-18a Representative Mechanical Properties of Some Common Plastics
    C-18b Properties of Some Common Glass-Reinforced and Unreinforced Thermoplastic Resins
    C-18c Typical Applications of Common Plastics
    C-19 Material Classes and Selected Members of Each Class
    C-20 Designer's Subset of Engineering Materials
    C-21 Processing Methods Used Most Frequently with Different Materials
    C-22 Joinability of Materials
    C-23 Materials for Machine Components
    C-24 Relations Between Failure Modes and Material Properties

    Appendix D: Shear, Moment, and Deflection Equations for Beams
    D-1 Cantilever Beams
    D-2 Simply Supported Beams
    D-3 Beams with Fixed Ends

    Appendix E: Fits and Tolerances
    E-1 Fits and Tolerances for Holes and Shafts
    E-2 Standard Tolerance for Holes and Shafts
    E-1 Tolerance Grades Produced from Machining Processes

    Appendix F: MIL-HDBK-5J, Department of Defense Handbook: Metallic Materials and Elements For Aerospace Vehicle Structures

    Appendix G: Force Equilibrium: A Vectorial Approach

    Appendix H: Normal Distributions

    Appendix I: SN-Formula Appendix J: Gear Terminology and Contact-Ratio Analysis
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