Fracture Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications – T.L. Anderson – 2nd Edition


This bestselling text/reference provides a comprehensive treatment of the fundamentals of fracture mechanics. It presents theoretical background as well as practical applications, and it integrates materials science with solid mechanics. In the Second Edition, about 30% of the material has been updated and expanded; new technology is discussed, and feedback from users of the first edition has been incorporated.

With its combination of practicality, readability, and rigor that is characteristic of any truly authoritative reference and text, Fracture Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications quickly established itself as the most comprehensive guide to fracture mechanics available. It has been adopted by more than 100 universities and embraced by thousands of professional engineers worldwide. Now in its edition, the book continues to raise the bar in both scope and coverage. It encompasses theory and applications, linear and nonlinear fracture mechanics, solid mechanics, and materials science with a unified, balanced, and in-depth approach.

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  • Part I Introduction
    1: History and Overview

    Part II Fundamental Concepts
    2: Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics
    3: Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics
    4: Dynamic and Time-Dependent Fracture

    Part III Material Behavior
    5: Fracture Mechanisms in Metals
    6: Fracture Mechanisms in Nonmetals

    Part IV Applications
    7: Fracture Toughness Testing of Metals
    8: Fracture Testing of Nonmetals
    9: Application to Structures
    10: Fatigue Crack Propagation
    11: Environmentally Assisted Cracking in Metals
    12: Computational Fracture Mechanics
    13: Practice Problems
  • Citation
    • Full Title: Fracture Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications
    • Author/s:
    • ISBN-10: 0849342600
    • ISBN-13: 9780849342608
    • Edition: 2nd Edition
    • Topic: Civil
    • Subtopic: Building Materials
    • File Type: eBook
    • Idioma: English

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