Engineering Mechanics: Statics – Anthony Bedford – 5th Edition


This fifth edition of Mechanics for Engineering: Statics and Dynamics, maintains the balance between the development of theory and the importance of applications; in addition, it presents the examples in a new format that facilitates their comprehension.
  Concepts and methods are visually related in a design that integrates figures and equations with the text for a better study of the themes. At the end of the active examples a “practice problem” is provided, so that students are motivated to check whether they understood the material; and to evaluate their progress, they can consult the answer provided on the same page, or analyze the complete solution presented in the appendix, with the same format of integrated illustrations and text.

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  • Introduction.
    Systems of forces and moments.
    Objects in balance.
    Structures in equilibrium.
    Centroids and centers of mass.
    Moments of inertia.
    Strengths and internal moments.
    Virtual work and potential energy.
  • Citation

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