Introduction to Statics and Dynamics – Andy Ruina and Rudra Pratap – 1st Edition


In 1992 we told a textbook sales rep that we didn’t like the Dynamics books. She said “Write your own.” Most people said “Don’t write a book. It’s too much work, no-one will appreciate it and it will probably lose money.” Saunders contracted the book and then sold it to Oxford. Now it’s ours. Most years we work together for a month or so in Ithaca, Finland, or Bangalore. We re-organized the book 4 or 5 times and added a Statics book because students needed help with vectors and free body diagrams. Various pre-release versions have been used at Cornell and elsewhere about 25 times. It has had about 40 external reviews. The table of contents, preface and introduction show our intentions.

The sections have been divided so that the homework problems selected from one section are usually about half of a typical weekly homework assignment. The theory and examples from one section might be adequately covered in about one lecture, plus or minus.

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  • Part I: Basics for Mechanics
    1 What is mechanics?
    2 Vectors: position, force and moment
    3 FBDs

    Part II: Statics
    4 Statics of one object
    5 Trusses and frames
    6 Transmissions and mechanisms
    7 Tension, shear and bending moment
    8 Hydrostatics

    Part III: Dynamics
    9 Dynamics in 1D
    10 Vibrations
    11 Particles in space
    12 Many particles in space
    13 Straight line motion
    14 Circular motion of a particle
    15 Circular motion of a rigid object
    16 Planar motion of an object
    17 Time-varying basis vectors
    18 Constrained particles and rigid objects

    A Units and dimensions
    B Friction: perspectives on friction laws
    C The simplest ODEs and their solutions
    D Theorems for Systems

  • Citation

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