Beginning Programming with Java For Dummies – Barry Burd – 2nd Edition


Covering everything from basic Java development concepts to the latest tools and techniques used in Java, this book will put would-be programmers on their way to Java mastery

Explores what goes into creating a program, how to put the pieces together, dealing with standard programming challenges, debugging, and making it work

Updated for the release of the Java SDK 2.0, with all examples revised to reflect the changes in the technology

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  • Introduction.
    Part I: Revving Up.
    Chapter 1: Getting Started.
    Chapter 2: Setting Up Your Computer.
    Chapter 3: Running Programs.

    Part II: Writing Your Own Java Programs.
    Chapter 4: Exploring the Parts of a Program.
    Chapter 5: Composing a Program.
    Chapter 6: Using the Building Blocks: Variables, Values, and Types.
    Chapter 7: Numbers and Types.
    Chapter 8: Numbers? Who Needs Numbers?

    Part III: Controlling the Flow.
    Chapter 9: Forks in the Road.
    Chapter 10: Which Way Did He Go?
    Chapter 11: How to Flick a Virtual Switch.
    Chapter 12: Around and Around It Goes.
    Chapter 13: Piles of Files: Dealing with Information Overload.
    Chapter 14: Creating Loops within Loops.
    Chapter 15: The Old Runaround.

    Part IV: Using Program Units.
    Chapter 16: Using Loops and Arrays.
    Chapter 17: Programming with Objects and Classes.
    Chapter 18: Using Methods and Variables from a Java Class.
    Chapter 19: Creating New Java Methods.
    Chapter 20: Oooey GUI Was a Worm.

    Part V: The Part of Tens.
    Chapter 21: Ten Sets of Web Links.
    Chapter 22: Ten Useful Classes in the Java API.

  • Citation

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