Java Programming 10-Minute – Mark Watson – 1st Edition


The problems encountered by a beginning Java programmer are many–and mostly minor.
The problems you encounter as an experienced Java programmer are far fewer—and far more serious.

Java Programming 10-Minute Solutions provides direct solutions to the thorny problems you’re most likely to run up against in your work. Especially when a project entails new techniques or draws you into a realm outside your immediate expertise, potential headaches abound. With this book, a veteran Java programmer saves you both aggravation and—just as important—time.

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  • Introduction.
    File I/O.
    String Handling.
    XML Processing.
    Distributed Programming Using XML.
    Arrays, Vectors, and Hash Tables.
    Searching and Sorting.
    Iterative Deepening Search.
    JDBC Database Access.
    Java Servlets.
    Java ServerPages (JSPs).
    Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs).
    Ant, JUnit, and XDoclet.
    Java Data Objects.
  • Citation

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