This book is intended to serve as an introduction to the principles and techniques used in the field of chemical, petroleum, and environmental engineering. Although the range of subjects deemed to be in the province of chemical engineering has broadened over the last decade, the basic principles involved in chemical engineering remain the same.
This book lays a foundation of certain information and skills that can be repeatedly employed in subsequent courses as well as in professional life. Much of the previous edition has been rewritten. One new topic (Chapter 20) on adsorption has been added.Reorganization: Although each chapter has been revised, the sequence of the topics and the format remain about the same.
The Seventh edition takes individual topics that were previously in one long chapter, and makes them individual short chapters of them so that readers can feel a sen.
Chemical engineering principles and techniques: A practical and up-to-date introduction.
The scope of chemical engineering has expanded considerably in recent years to encompass a wide range of topics. This book provides a complete, practical, and student-friendly introduction to the principles and techniques of contemporary chemical, petroleum, and environmental engineering.
The authors introduce efficient and consistent methods for problem solving, analyzing data, and developing a conceptual understanding of a wide variety of processes. This seventh edition is revised to reflect the latest technologies and educational strategies that develop a student’s abilities for reasoning and critical thinking.
Coverage includes:
– Short chapters (29) to provide a flexible modular sequence of topics for courses of varying length
– A thorough coverage of introductory material, including unit conversions, basis selection, and process measurements
Consistent, sound strategies for solving material and energy balance problems
– Key concepts ranging from stoichiometry to enthalpy
– Behavior of gases, liquids, and solids: ideal/real gases, single component two-phase systems, gas-liquid systems, and more
– New examples and problems covering environmental, safety, semiconductor processing, nanotechnology, and biotechnology
– Extensive tables and charts, plus glossaries in every chapter
– Self-assessment tests, thought/discussion problems, and homework problems for each chapter
– 13 appendices providing helpful reference information
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