Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook – Robert H. Perry – 7th Edition


This is the new edition of chemical and process engineers’ favorite reference. Previous editions of this authoritative; comprehensive handbook have sold more than 887;000 copies.

This Seventh Edition contains 50% new or revised material; including new information on condensers; reboilers; evaporators; and vessels; multicomponent and enhance distillation including azeotropic; extractive; and reactive methods; gas absorption processes with data on plate performance; plate design; and packed towers; super-critical fluid and membrane separation processes; biochemical separation processes; materials of construction; and materials for process applications.

The Handbook is once again the standard in the field–with all the facts; figures; methods; and data engineers rely on and need.

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  • 1. Conversion Factors.
    2. Physical and Chemical Data.
    3. Mathematics.
    4. Thermodynamics.
    5. Heat and Mass Transfer.
    6. Fluid and Particle Mechanics.
    7. Reaction Kinetics.
    8. Process Control and Instrumentation.
    9. Process Economics.
    10. Transport and Storage of Fluids.
    11. Heat Transfer Operations and Equipment.
    12. Drying, Humidification and Evaporative Cooling.
    13. Distillation.
    14. Gas Absorption and Other Gas-Liquid Operations and 10. Equipment.
    15. Solid-State Operations and Equipment.
    16. Size Reduction and Size Enlargement.
    17. Handling of Bulk Solids and Packaging of Solids and Liquids.
    18. Alternative Separation Processes.
    19. Chemical Reactors.
    20. Biochemcial Engineering.
    21. Waste Management.
    22. Safety and Handling of Hazardous Materials.
    23. Energy Sources, Conversion and Utilization.
    24. Materials of Construction.
    25. Process Machinery Drives.
    26. Analysis of Plant Performance.
  • Citation

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