Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering – S. Fogler – 4th Edition


The book presents in a clear and concise manner the fundamentals of chemical reaction engineering. The structure of the book allows the student to solve reaction engineering problems through reasoning rather than through memorization and recall of numerous equations, restrictions, and conditions under which each equation applies. The fourth edition contains more industrial chemistry with real reactors and real engineering and extends the wide range of applications to which chemical reaction engineering principles can be applied (i.e., cobra bites, medications, ecological engineering)

The best selling chemical reaction engineering book just got better!
° The fundamentals of chemical reaction engineering — presented in a clear and conciser manner
° The reader learns how to solve problems through reasoning rather than getting lost in trying to remember which formula applies to what situation
° Reader develops critical and creative thinking skills they can apply to many situations, becoming more productive and self-reliant

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  • 1. Mole Balances.
    The Rate of Reaction
    The General Mole Balance Equation
    Batch Reactors
    Continuous-Flow Reactors
    Industrial Reactors
    CD-ROM Material
    Questions and Problems
    Supplementary Reading

    2. Conversion and Reactor Sizing.
    Definition of Conversion
    Batch Reactor Design Equation
    Design Equations for Flow Reactors
    Applications of the Design Equations for Continuous-Flow Reactors
    Reactors in Series
    Some Further Definitions
    CD-ROM Materials
    Questions and Problems
    Supplementary Reading

    3. Rate Laws and Stoichiometry.
    Part 1. Rate Laws
    Basic Definitions
    The Reaction Order and the Rate Law
    The Reaction Rate Constant
    Present Status of Our Approach to Reactor Sizing and Design
    Part 2. Stoichiometry
    Batch Systems
    Flow Systems
    CD-ROM Material
    Questions and Problems
    Supplementary Reading

    4. Isothermal Reactor Design.

    Part 1. Mole Balances in Terms of Conversion

    Design Structure for Isothermal Reactors
    Scale-Up of Liquid-Phase Batch Reactor Data to the Design of a CSTR
    Design of Continuous Stirred Tank Reactors (CSTRs)
    Tubular Reactors
    Pressure Drop in Reactors
    Synthesizing the Design of a Chemical Plant

    Part 2. Mole Balances Written in Terms of Concentration and Molar Flow Rate

    Mole Balances on CSTRs, PFRs, PBRs, and Batch Reactors
    Membrane Reactors
    Unsteady-State Operation of Stirred Reactors
    The Practical Side
    ODE Solver Algorithm
    CD-ROM Material
    Questions and Problems
    Some Thoughts on Critiquing What You read
    Journal Critique Problems
    Supplementary Reading

    5. Collection and Analysis of Rate Data.
    The Algorithm for Data Analysis
    Batch Reactor Data
    Method of Initial Rates
    Method of Half-Lives
    Differential Reactors
    Experimental Planning
    Evaluation of Laboratory Reactors
    CD-ROM Material
    Questions and Problems
    Journal Critique Problems
    Supplementary Reading

    6. Multiple Reactions.
    Parallel Reactions
    Maximizing the Desired Product in Series Reactions
    Algorithm for Solution of Complex Reactions
    Multiple Reactions in a PFR/PBR
    Multiple Reactions in a CSTR
    Membrane Reactors to Improve Selectivity in Multiple Reactions
    Complex Reactions of Ammonia Oxidation
    Sorting It All Out
    The Fun Part
    CD-ROM Material
    Questions and Problems
    Journal Critique Problems
    Supplementary Reading

    7. Reaction Mechanisms, Pathways, Bioreactions, and Bioreactors.

    Active Intermediates and Nonelementary Rate Laws
    Enzymatic Reaction Fundamentals
    Inhibition of Enzyme Reactions
    Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Models
    CD-ROM Material
    Questions and Problems
    Journal Critique Problems
    Supplementary Reading

    8. Steady-State Nonisothermal Reactor Design.
    The Energy Balance
    Adiabatic Operation
    Steady-State Tubular Reactor with Heat Exchange
    Equilibrium Conversion
    CSTR with Heat Effects
    Multiple Steady States
    Nonisothermal Multiple Chemical Reactions
    Radial and Axial Variations in a Tubular Reactor
    The Practical Side
    CD-ROM Material
    Questions and Problems
    Journal Critique Problems
    Supplementary Reading

    9. Unsteady-State Nonisothermal Reactor Design.
    The Unsteady-State Energy Balance
    Energy Balance on Batch Reactors
    Semibatch Reactors with a Heat Exchanger
    Unsteady Operation of a CSTR
    Nonisothermal Multiple Reactions
    Unsteady Operation of Plug-Flow Reactors
    CD-ROM Material
    Questions and Problems
    Supplementary Reading

    10. Catalysis and Catalytic Reactors.
    Steps in a Catalytic Reaction
    Synthesizing a Rate Law, Mechanism, and Rate-Limiting Step
    Heterogeneous Data Analysis for Reactor Design
    Reaction Engineering in Microelectronic Fabrication
    Model Discrimination
    Catalyst Deactivation
    ODE Solver Algorithm
    CD-ROM Material
    Questions and Problems
    Journal Critique Problems
    Supplementary Reading

    11. External Diffusion Effects on Heterogeneous Reactions.
    Diffusion Fundamentals
    Binary Diffusion
    External Resistance to Mass Transfer
    What If . . . ? (Parameter Sensitivity)
    The Shrinking Core Model
    CD-ROM Material
    Questions and Problems
    Supplementary Reading

    12. Diffusion and Reaction.
    Diffusion and Reaction in Spherical Catalyst Pellets
    Internal Effectiveness Factor
    Falsified Kinetics
    Overall Effectiveness Factor
    Estimation of Diffusion- and Reaction-Limited Regimes
    Mass Transfer and Reaction in a Packed Bed
    Determination of Limiting Situations from Reaction Data
    Multiphase Reactors
    Fluidized Bed Reactors
    Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)
    CD-ROM Material
    Questions and Problems
    Journal Article Problems
    Journal Critique Problems
    Supplementary Reading

    13. Distributions of Residence Times for Chemical Reactors.
    General Characteristics

    Part 1. Characteristics and Diagnostics

    Measurement of the RTD
    Characteristics of the RTD
    RTD in Ideal Reactors
    Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

    Part 2. Predicting Conversion and Exit Concentration

    Reactor Modeling Using the RTD
    Zero-Parameter Models
    Using Software Packages
    RTD and Multiple Reactions
    CD-ROM Material
    Questions and Problems
    Supplementary Reading

    14. Models for Nonideal Reactors.
    Some Guidelines
    Tanks-in-Series (T-I-S) Model
    Dispersion Model
    Flow, Reaction, and Dispersion
    Tanks-in-Series Model Versus Dispersion Model
    Numerical Solutions to Flows with Dispersion and Reaction
    Two-Parameter Models-Modeling Real Reactors with Combinations of Ideal Reactors
    Use of Software Packages to Determine the Model Parameters
    Other Models of Nonideal Reactors Using CSTRs and PFRs
    Applications to Pharmacokinetic Modeling
    CD-ROM Material
    Questions and Problems
    Supplementary Reading
  • Citation
    • Full Title: Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering
    • Author/s:
    • ISBN-13: 9780130473943
    • Edition: 4th Edition
    • Topic: Engineering
    • Subtopic: Chemical Engineering
    • File Type: Solution Manual
    • Idioma: English

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