Analytical Mechanics – Grant R. Fowles & George L. Cassiday – 7th Edition


With the direct, accessible, and pragmatic approach of Fowles and Cassiday’s ANALYTICAL MECHANICS, Seventh Edition, thoroughly revised for clarity and concision, students will grasp challenging concepts in introductory mechanics.

A complete exposition of the fundamentals of classical mechanics, this proven and enduring introductory text is a standard for the undergraduate Mechanics course. Numerical worked examples increased students’ problem-solving skills, while textual discussions aid in student understanding of theoretical material through the use of specific cases.

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  • 1. Fundamental Concepts: Vectors.
    2. Newtonian Mechanics: Rectilinear Motion of a Particle.
    3. Oscillations.
    4. General Motion of a Particle in Three Dimensions.
    5. Noninertial Reference Systems.
    6. Gravitation and Central Forces.
    7. Dynamics of Systems of Particles.
    8. Mechanics of Rigid Bodies: Planar Motion.
    9. Motion of Rigid Bodies in Three Dimensions.
    10. Lagrangian Mechanics.
    11. Dynamics of Oscillating Systems.

    Answers to Selected Odd-Numbered Problems.
    Selected References.
  • Citation

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