Written for junior and senior electrical and computer engineering students, this text is an introduction to signal and system analysis, digital signal processing, and the design of analog and digital filters. The text also serves as a self-study guide for professionals who want to review the fundamentals.
This edition contains additional information on window functions, the cross correlation and autocorrelation functions, a discussion on nonlinear systems including an example that derives its describing function, as well as additional end of chapter exercises.
The prerequisites are a basic course in differential and integral calculus, and basic electric circuit theory.This book can be used in a two-quarter, or one semester course. This author has taught the subject material for many years and was able to cover all material in 16 weeks, with 2½ lecture hours per week.To get the most out of this text, it is highly recommended that Appendix A is thoroughly reviewed. This appendix serves as an introduction to MATLAB, and is intended for those who are not familiar with it.
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