Reading Strategies and Practices – Robert J. Tierney, John E. Readence – 6th Edition


Reading Strategies and Practices: A Compendium, Sixth Edition, continues to be an invaluable reference tool for literacy students and practicing teachers alike!

Packed with a full range of strategies and practices that can be directly implemented in the classroom, this text is designed to be an ongoing reference for any literacy educator.

New to the Sixth Edition:
– Updated citations and discussions of the strategies and practices address the political mandates, research findings, and national reports that have been released.
– Inclusion of strategies that have emerged in the past four years and that are highlighted in the national reports, as well as a discussion of the new basics, or “multiliteracies,” provide students with the most up-to-date information.
– New discussion of technology has been added and offers strategies on how to incorporate technology in the classroom.
Reviewers Still Love Reading Strategies and Practices:

“Our students like the wide variety of strategies offered in the book. They also like the fact that the book is not geared just toward at-risk students, or gifted students, but offers ideas that can work with many various ability levels.”
Deborah Doty, Northern Kentucky University

“I have such respect and admiration for the daunting feat that the authors have managed to accomplish, they have taken the latest and greatest research and compiled virtually all the information relevant to reading methodology. It is a gift to our profession. Armed with this book, a teacher would be equipped with all the tools necessary to teach reading.”
Lilian McEnery, University of Houston Clear Lake

“I have chosen this book for my courses first because the authors are leading scholars in the field of literacy and have done extremely well in presenting different types of strategies and practices. The book provides in-depth descriptions of many strategies and practices that my courses cover. Additionally, my students have found the description for each strategy/practice very readable and comprehensive, and the suggestions and ideas from the book are very applicable to their teaching.”
Shelly Hong Xu, California State University, Long Beach

“What distinguishes this text from others is the breadth in its coverage of models. I know of no other text that describes 87 different models used in literacy instruction.”
Glenda Jo Pennington, Ohio Valley College

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  • 1. Lesson Frameworks for Reader Support.
    Guided Reading.
    Four Blocks.
    Directed Reading Activity.
    Scaffolded Reading Experience.

    2. Holistic, Whole-Language, Learner-Centered and Literature-Based Approaches.
    Theme-based units.
    Author-Reader-Inquirer Cycle.
    Reading-Writing Workshop.
    Book Club.
    Uninterrupted Sustained Silent Reading.
    Individualized Reading.
    Shared Book Experience.

    3. Teaching Reading as a Language Experience.
    Allen's Language Experience Approach in Communication.
    Ashton Warner's Organic Reading.
    Stauffer's Language-Experience Approach.
    Patterned Language Approach.

    4. Intervention Programs for “At-Risk” Readers.
    Reading Recovery.
    Success for All.
    Early Steps.
    Monroe Methods.
    Gillingham Stillman Method.
    Fernald Technique.

    5. Phonics and Word Identification.
    Word Study.
    Analytic Method.
    Synthetic Wrd Families.
    Retrospective Miscue Analysis.
    Gooodman's Reading Strategy Lessons.

    6. Oral Reading.
    Choral and Repeated Reading.
    Radio Reading.
    Echo Reading.
    Topping Paired Reading.

    7. Comprehension Development and Thinking Critically.
    Questioning the Author.
    Prep Technique.
    Anticipation Guide.
    Text Preview.
    ReQuest Procedure.
    Question-Answer Relationships.
    Explicit Teaching of Reading Comprehension.
    Dialogical-Thinking Reading Lesson.
    Inquiry Chart.

    8. Meaning Vocabulary.
    Key Word.
    Possible Sentences.
    Contextual Redefinition.
    Feature Analysis.
    Word Map.
    Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy.

    9. Responding to Reading as Writers and Genre Study.
    Author's Chair/Peer conferencing.
    Dialogue journals.
    Style study.
    Story Impressions.
    Expository Reading-Writing Think Sheets.
    Reading and Writing as Composing.

    10. Response to Literature and Drama.
    Process Drama.
    Point, Counterpoint.
    Response Heuristic.
    Sketch to stretch.
    Readers Theatre.

    11. Discussion and Cooperative Learning.
    Literature Circles.
    Great Books' Shared Inquiry.
    Conversational Discussion Groups.
    Discussion Web.

    12. Content Area Literacy.
    Graphic Organizers.
    Study Guides.
    Selective Reading Guide.
    Idea Mapping.
    Text Structure Strategy.
    Story Grammars and Story Maps.
    Guided Writing Procedure.
    I-Search Paper.

    13. Studying.
    Survey Technique.
    Notetaking System for Learning.
    Guided Lecture Procedure.
    Graphic Information Lesson.

    14. Assessment Strategies for Classrooms, Teachers and Students.
    Performance assessment.
    Anecdotal Records.
    Running Records.
    Informal Reading Inventory.

  • Citation

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