The essential content, scientific accuracy, renowned authorship and a clear and objective approach are well-known characteristics that make this work a true classic. Now, extensively revised and updated, and with the help of information boards, reflection questions that permeate the book and new exercises, this edition brings an even more dynamic approach, since it relates the subjects addressed to the students’ objectives and encourages them to think and act like a scientist. Suitable for students of chemistry, physics, engineering and biomedical sciences, this work is not only a reference book, but a central tool.
Suitable for students of chemistry, physics, engineering and biomedical sciences, this work is not only a reference book, but a central and indispensable tool developed to be used as a source of consultation to obtain information and to learn and develop skills, because its content, in addition to bringing a deep, comprehensive and consistent approach to modern chemistry, also prepares students for advanced chemistry.
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