Quality Management Demystified; A Self Teaching Guide – Sid Kemp (McGraw-Hill) – 1st Edition


Quality Management Demystified provides the basic terms, concepts, and tools for defining, measuring, and managing quality, from the earliest efforts at quality assurance and quality control, through Total Quality Management, to the rise and possible fall of Six Sigma.

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  • Part 1: Managing Quality Chapter
    1: Quality Throughout History Chapter
    2: The Development of Quality Management Chapter
    3: Defining Quality Chapter
    4: Quality for the Customer Part
    2: Quality Essentials Chapter
    5: Key Quality Concepts Chapter
    6: Defining, Planning for, Controlling, Assuring, and Delivering Quality Chapter
    7: Leading a Quality Team Chapter
    8: Quality Engineering Chapter
    9: Auditing Quality Chapter
    10: Statistics for Quality Part Three: Quality Movements Chapter
    11: Total Quality Management Chapter
    12: Quality Standards -- ISO 9000 and More Chapter
    13: Six Sigma Chapter
    14: The Cost of Quality Chapter
    15: The Capability for Quality: CMM and CMMI Chapter
    16: Steady Improvement in Japan: Gemba Kaizen for Lean (JIT) Manufacturing Part Four: Practical Quality Management Chapter
    17: Challenges and Leadership Chapter
    18: Practical Quality for Projects and Programs Chapter
    19: Global Quality in the 21st Century Final Exam Answers to Quiz, Mid-Term Exam, and Final Exam Questions List of Acronyms and Glossary Resources for Learning Index
  • Citation
    • Full Title: Quality Management Demystified; A Self Teaching Guide
    • Author/s:
    • ISBN-10: 0071449086
    • ISBN-13: 9780071449083
    • Edition: 1st Edition
    • Topic: Business
    • Subtopic: Corporate Finance
    • File Type: eBook
    • Idioma: English

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