Operations Management Processes and Supply Chains – Lee J. Krajewski, Manoj Kumar Malhotra, Larry P. Ritzman – 11th Edition


This textbook provides a comprehensive framework for addressing operational and supply-chain issues, building the concept of a supply chain from the ground up. Starting with the analysis of business processes and how they relate to the overall operational goals of a firm, this text proceeds to show how these processes are integrated to form supply chains and how they can be managed to obtain efficient flows of materials, information and funds.

This approach reinforces the idea that supply chains are only as good as the processes within and across each firm in the supply chain. Operations Management provides students with a comprehensive framework for addressing operational process and supply chain issues and uses a systemized approach while focusing on issues of current interest.

The text has ample opportunities for students to experience the role of a manager with challenging problems, cases, a library of videos customized to the individual chapters, simulations, experiential exercises, and tightly integrated online resources.

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