Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers – Stephen T. Thornton, Andrew Rex – 4th Edition


Learn about the latest discoveries in physics with MODERN PHYSICS. This book offers a contemporary and comprehensive approach to physics with a strong emphasis on applications to help you see how concepts in the book relate to the real world. Discussions on the experiments that led to certain key discoveries illustrate the process behind scientific advances and give you a historical perspective. The book also provides a solid foundation in quantum theory to help you understand more advanced physics concepts.

Is it a physics text or a history text? This book is all over the place. There’s a lot of storytelling about the history of modern physics and then, almost as if by accident, there will be some actual physics. It doesn’t do very well at explaining either, making this a very frustrating textbook to try to read.

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  • Chapter 1: The Birth of Modern Physics
    1.1: Classical Physics of the 1890s
    1.2: The Kinetic Theory of Gases
    1.3: Waves and Particles
    1.4: Conservation Laws and Fundamental Forces
    1.5: The Atomic Theory of Matter
    1.6: Unresolved Questions of 1895 and New Horizons
    1: Supplemental Multiple Choice Questions (10)

    Chapter 2: Special Theory of Relativity
    2.1: The Apparent Need for Ether
    2.2: The Michelson-Morley Experiment (2)
    2.3: Einstein's Postulates
    2.4: The Lorentz Transformation (5)
    2.5: Time Dilation and Length Contraction (4)
    2.6: Addition of Velocities (4)
    2.7: Experimental Verification
    2.8: Twin Paradox
    2.9: Spacetime
    2.10: Doppler Effect (2)
    2.11: Relativistic Momentum (3)
    2.12: Relativistic Energy (4)
    2.13: Computations in Modern Physics (2)
    2.14: Electromagnetism and Relativity
    2: General Problems (2)
    2: Questions
    2: Supplemental Multiple Choice Questions (10)

    Chapter 3: The Experimental Basis of Quantum Physics
    3.1: Discovery of the X Ray and the Electron (2)
    3.2: Determination of Electron Charge (1)
    3.3: Line Spectra (3)
    3.4: Quantization
    3.5: Blackbody Radiation (4)
    3.6: Photoelectric Effect (5)
    3.7: X-Ray Production
    3.8: Compton Effect (3)
    3.9: Pair Production and Annihilation
    3: General Problems (1)
    3: Questions
    3: Supplemental Multiple Choice Questions (12)

    Chapter 4: Structure of the Atom
    4.1: The Atomic Models of Thomson and Rutherford
    4.2: Rutherford Scattering (2)
    4.3: The Classical Atomic Model
    4.4: The Bohr Model of the Hydrogen Atom (4)
    4.5: Successes and Failures of the Bohr Model
    4.6: Characteristic X-Ray Spectra and Atomic Number (3)
    4.7: Atomic Excitation by Electrons (1)
    4: General Problems (3)
    4: Questions
    4: Supplemental Multiple Choice Questions (10)

    Chapter 5: Wave Properties of Matter and Quantum Mechanics I
    5.1: X-Ray Scattering (3)
    5.2: De Broglie Waves (4)
    5.3: Electron Scattering (3)
    5.4: Wave Motion (2)
    5.5: Waves or Particles?
    5.6: Uncertainty Principle (4)
    5.7: Probability, Wave Functions, and the Copenhagen Interpretation (1)
    5.8: Particle in a Box
    5: General Problems (3)
    5: Questions
    5: Supplemental Multiple Choice Questions (11)

    Chapter 6: Quantum Mechanics II
    6.1: The Schrödinger Wave Equation
    6.2: Expectation Values (1)
    6.3: Infinite Square-Well Potential (4)
    6.4: Finite Square-Well Potential (1)
    6.5: Three-Dimensional Infinite-Potential Well (1)
    6.6: Simple Harmonic Oscillator (4)
    6.7: Barriers and Tunneling (4)
    6: General Problems (2)
    6: Questions
    6: Supplemental Multiple Choice Questions (10)

    Chapter 7: The Hydrogen Atom
    7.1: Application of the Schrödinger Equation to the Hydrogen Atom
    7.2: Solution of the Schrödinger Equation for Hydrogen (1)
    7.3: Quantum Numbers (4)
    7.4: Magnetic Effects on Atomic Spectra—The Normal Zeeman Effect (5)
    7.5: Intrinsic Spin (2)
    7.6: Energy Levels and Electron Probabilities (4)
    7: General Problems
    7: Questions
    7: Supplemental Multiple Choice Questions (10)

    Chapter 8: Atomic Physics
    8.1: Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table (4)
    8.2: Total Angular Momentum (9)
    8.3: Anomalous Zeeman Effect (3)
    8: General Problems
    8: Questions
    8: Supplemental Multiple Choice Questions (10)

    Chapter 9: Statistical Physics
    9.1: Historical Overview
    9.2: Maxwell Velocity Distribution
    9.3: Equipartition Theorem (1)
    9.4: Maxwell Speed Distribution (3)
    9.5: Classical and Quantum Statistics (1)
    9.6: Fermi-Dirac Statistics (3)
    9.7: Bose-Einstein Statistics (1)
    9: General Problems (3)
    9: Questions
    9: Supplemental Multiple Choice Questions (10)

    Chapter 10: Molecules, Lasers, and Solids
    10.1: Molecular Bonding and Spectra (4)
    10.2: Stimulated Emission and Lasers (2)
    10.3: Structural Properties of Solids (1)
    10.4: Thermal and Magnetic Properties of Solids
    10.5: Superconductivity (3)
    10.6: Applications of Superconductivity (2)
    10: General Problems
    10: Questions
    10: Supplemental Multiple Choice Questions (10)

    Chapter 11: Semiconductor Theory and Devices
    11.1: Band Theory of Solids
    11.2: Semiconductor Theory (5)
    11.3: Semiconductor Devices (2)
    11.4: Nanotechnology
    11: General Problems (5)
    11: Questions
    11: Supplemental Multiple Choice Questions (10)

    Chapter 12: The Atomic Nucleus
    12.1: Discovery of the Neutron
    12.2: Nuclear Properties (2)
    12.3: The Deuteron
    12.4: Nuclear Forces (1)
    12.5: Nuclear Stability (2)
    12.6: Radioactive Decay (4)
    12.7: Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Decay (4)
    12.8: Radioactive Nuclides (4)
    12: General Problems
    12: Questions
    12: Supplemental Multiple Choice Questions (10)

    Chapter 13: Nuclear Interactions and Applications
    13.1: Nuclear Reactions (3)
    13.2: Reaction Kinematics (5)
    13.3: Reaction Mechanisms (2)
    13.4: Fission (2)
    13.5: Fission Reactors (2)
    13.6: Fusion
    13.7: Special Applications (3)
    13: General Problems
    13: Questions
    13: Supplemental Multiple Choice Questions (10)

    Chapter 14: Particle Physics
    14.1: Early Discoveries
    14.2: The Fundamental Interactions (1)
    14.3: Classification of Particles (1)
    14.4: Conservation Laws and Symmetries (4)
    14.5: Quarks (3)
    14.6: The Families of Matter
    14.7: Beyond the Standard Model (4)
    14.8: Accelerators (3)
    14: General Problems (2)
    14: Questions
    14: Supplemental Multiple Choice Questions (10)

    Chapter 15: General Relativity
    15.1: Tenets of General Relativity
    15.2: Tests of General Relativity (3)
    15.3: Gravitational Waves
    15.4: Black Holes (2)
    15.5: Frame Dragging
    15: General Problems (3)
    15: Questions
    15: Supplemental Multiple Choice Questions (10)

    Chapter 16: Cosmology and Modern Astrophysics—The Beginning and the End
    16.1: Evidence of the Big Bang
    16.2: The Big Bang (3)
    16.3: Stellar Evolution
    16.4: Astronomical Objects (4)
    16.5: Problems with the Big Bang (1)
    16.6: The Age of the Universe
    16.7: The Standard Model of Cosmology
    16.8: The Future
    16: General Problems (3)
    16: Questions
    16: Supplemental Multiple Choice Questions (10)
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