Macroeconomics – R. Glenn Hubbard, Anthony Patrick Obrien, Matthew Rafferty – 1st Edition


Make the link between theory and the real world easier for students with the most current intermediate macroeconomic text on the market today.
Hubbard; O’Brien and Rafferty realize that the majority of students enrolled in today’s intermediate macroeconomics courses are undergraduate or master’s students who are likely to become entrepreneurs; managers; bankers; stockbrokers; accountants; lawyers or government officials. Very few students will pursue a doctorate. in economics Given this student profile; the new text by Hubbard; O’Brien and Rafferty presents intermediate Macroeconomics in the context of contemporary events; policies and businesses with an integrated explanation of the current financial crisis. Comments from students and instructors tell us that Hubbard; O’Brien and Rafferty help make the link between theory and the real world easier for students.

Available with the award-winning MyEconLab and grouped by learning objectives.
MyEconLab is a powerful evaluation and tutorial system that works hand in hand with Intermediate Macroeconomics. MyEconLab includes comprehensive homework options; quizzes; tests and tutorials; where instructors can manage all assessment needs in one program!

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  • Macroeconomic
    R. Glenn Hubbard, Columbia University
    Tony O'Brien, University of Lehigh
    Matt Rafferty, University of Quinnipiac
    Table of Contents

    Part I: Introduction
    Chapter 1: The long and short of macroeconomics
    Chapter 2: Measurement of total production and income
    Chapter 3: The financial system

    Part II: Long-term macroeconomics: economic growth
    Chapter 4: Aggregate production and potential GDP
    Chapter 5: Long-term economic growth
    Chapter 6: Money and inflation
    Chapter 7: The labor market

    Part III: Short-term macroeconomics: theory and politics
    Chapter 8: Business Cycles
    Chapter 9: IS-MP: a short-term macroeconomic model
    Chapter 9 Appendix: IS-LM: an alternative short-term macroeconomic model
    Chapter 10: Monetary Policy
    Chapter 11: Fiscal Policy
    Chapter 12: Aggregate demand, aggregate supply and monetary policy

    Part IV: Extensions
    Chapter 13: Long-term implications of fiscal policy
    Chapter 14: Consumption and Investment
    Chapter 15: Balance of payments, exchange rates and macroeconomic policy
  • Citation

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