Macroeconomics: A European Perspective – Blanchard, Amighini & Giavazzi – 1st Edition


Macroeconomics: A European Perspective will give students a fuller understanding of the subject and has been fully updated to provide broad coverage of the ongoing economic turmoil in Europe. It’s unified view of macroeconomics helps students to make the connections between the short, medium, and long run.

Features Updated chapters on the financial crisis, European economic and monetary integration, the Euro, and sovereign debt Graphs and tables Focus boxes expand on macroeconomic events Margin notes provide extended definitions and give students additional context Need extra support?

The book is built on one underlying model, a model that draws the implications of equilibrium conditions in three sets of markets: the goods market, the financial markets, and the labour market. Depending on the issue at hand, the parts of the model relevant to the issue are developed in more detail while the other parts are simplified or lurk in the background. But the underlying model is always the same. This way, you will see macroeconomics as a coherent whole, not a collection of models. And you will be able to make sense not only of past macroeconomic events, but also of those that unfold in the future.

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    <b>Chapter 1. A tour of the world</b>
    1.1 Europe and the euro 3
    1.2 The economic outlook in the USA 6
    1.3 The largest emerging economies 10
    1.4 Looking ahead 11

    <b>Chapter 2. A tour of the book</b>
    2.1 Aggregate output 16
    2.2 Other major macroeconomic variables 21
    2.3 Output, unemployment and the inflation rate, Okun’s law and the Philips curve 27
    2.4 The short run, the medium run and the long run 29
    2.5 A tour of the book 30

    <b>THE SHORT RUN</b>

    <b>Chapter 3. The goods market</b>
    3.1 The composition of GDP 43
    3.2 The demand for goods 44
    3.3 The determination of equilibrium output 47
    3.4 Investment equals saving: an alternative way of thinking about the goods–market equilibrium 54
    3.5 Is the government omnipotent? A warning 57

    <b>Chapter 4. Financial markets</b>
    4.1 The demand for money 62
    4.2 Determining the interest rate: part 1 66
    4.3 Determining the interest rate: part 2 70
    4.4 Two alternative ways of looking at the equilibrium 76

    <b>Chapter 5. Goods and financial markets: the IS–LM model</b>
    5.1 The goods market and the IS relation 83
    5.2 Financial markets and the LM relation 87
    5.3 Putting the IS and the LM relations together 90
    5.4 Using a policy mix 95
    5.5 IS–LM and the liquidity trap 96
    5.6 How does the IS–LM model fit the facts? 99

    <b>Chapter 6. The IS–LM model in an open economy </b>
    6.1 Openness in goods markets 109
    6.2 Openness in financial markets 116
    6.3 The IS relation in an open economy 122
    6.4 The LM relation in an open economy 128
    6.5 Putting goods and financial markets together in an open economy 131

    <b>Chapter 7. Output, the interest rate and the exchange rate</b>
    7.1 Increases in demand, domestic or foreign 137
    7.2 Depreciation, the trade balance and output 143
    7.3 Looking at dynamics: the J-curve 145
    7.4 Saving, investment and the trade balance 147
    7.5 The effects of policy in an open economy 151
    7.6 Fixed exchange rates 152

    <b>THE MEDIUM RUN </b>

    <b>Chapter 8. The labour market</b>
    8.1 A tour of the labour market 165
    8.2 Wage determination 170
    8.3 Price determination 177
    8.4 The natural rate of unemployment 178
    8.5 Where we go from here 182

    <b>Chapter 9. Putting all markets together: the AS–AD model</b>
    9.1 Aggregate supply 190
    9.2 Aggregate demand 192
    9.3 Equilibrium in the short run and in the medium run 194
    9.4 The effects of a monetary expansion 197
    9.5 A decrease in the budget deficit 200
    9.6 An increase in the price of oil 204
    9.7 Conclusions 210

    <b>Chapter 10. The Phillips curve, the natural rate of unemployment and inflation </b>
    10.1 Inflation, expected inflation and unemployment 216
    10.2 The Phillips curve 217
    10.3 The Phillips curve and the natural rate of unemployment in Europe 224

    <b>Chapter 11. Inflation, money growth and the real rate of interest</b>
    11.1 Output, unemployment and inflation 237
    11.2 Nominal versus real interest rates 241
    11.3 Nominal and real interest rates and the IS–LM model 244
    11.4 The effects of money growth 245
    11.5 Money growth, inflation and nominal and real interest rates 252
    11.6 Disinflation 254

    <b>Chapter 12. The medium run in an open economy</b>
    12.1 The medium run 265
    12.2 Exchange rate crises under fixed exchange rates 270
    12.3 Exchange rate movements under flexible exchange rates 274
    12.4 Choosing between exchange rate regimes 277

    <b>THE LONG RUN</b>

    <b>Chapter 13. The facts of growth</b>
    13.1 Measuring the standard of living 287
    13.2 Growth in rich countries since 1950 290
    13.3 A broader look across time and space 293
    13.4 Thinking about growth: a primer 296

    <b>Chapter 14. Saving, capital accumulation and output</b>
    14.1 Interactions between output and capital 305
    14.2 The implications of alternative saving rates 308
    14.3 Getting a sense of magnitudes 317
    14.4 Physical versus human capital 320

    <b>Chapter 15. Technological progress and growth </b>
    15.1 Technological progress and the rate of growth 328
    15.2 The determinants of technological progress 334
    15.3 The facts of growth revisited 337


    <b>Chapter 16. Financial markets and expectations</b>
    16.1 Expected present discounted values 353
    16.2 Bond prices and bond yields 359
    16.3 The stock market and movements in stock prices 367
    16.4 Risk, bubbles, fads and asset prices 374

    <b>Chapter 17. Expectations, consumption and investment</b>
    17.1 Consumption theory and the role of expectations 383
    17.2 Toward a more realistic description 387
    17.3 Investment 391
    17.4 The volatility of consumption and investment 398

    <b>Chapter 18. Expectations, output and policy </b>
    18.1 Expectations and decisions: taking stock 406
    18.2 Monetary policy, expectations and output 409
    18.3 Deficit reduction, expectations and output 415


    <b>Chapter 19. The euro at fourteen: was it a good idea and why is it in trouble?</b>
    19.1 The monetary history of Europe from post-war to the present day 425
    19.2 Is Europe an optimal currency area? 431
    19.3 The European system of central banks: structure and objectives 434
    19.4 The first thirteen years of the euro (1999–2011) 439
    19.5 Should the outs join? 443

    <b>Chapter 20. The crisis</b>
    20.1 From a housing problem to a financial crisis 449
    20.2 The use and limits of policy 454
    20.3 The slow recovery 464

    <b>Chapter 21. High debt</b>
    21.1 The government’s budget constraint 472
    21.2 The evolution of the debt-to-GDP ratio 476
    21.3 The return from a high debt 486


    <b>Chapter 22. Policy and policy makers: what do we know?</b>
    22.1 Uncertainty and policy 495
    22.2 Expectations and policy 498
    22.3 Politics and policy 503

    <b>Chapter 23. Monetary and fiscal policy rules and constraints</b>
    23.1 The optimal inflation rate 510
    23.2 Monetary policy rules 514
    23.3 Fiscal policy rules and constraints 523

    <b>Chapter 24. The story of macroeconomics</b>
    24.1 Keynes and the Great Depression 541
    24.2 The neoclassical synthesis 541
    24.3 The rational expectations critique 544
    24.4 Recent developments up to the crisis 547
    24.5 First lessons from the crisis 550

    Appendix 1 A maths refresher 554
    Appendix 2 An introduction to econometrics 559
    Glossary 564
    Symbols used in this book 575
    Index 577
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