Introductory Linear Algebra with Applications – Bernard Kolman & David Hill – 8th Edition


This book provides an introduction to the basic ideas, computational techniques, and applications of linear algebra. Introductory Linear Algebra with Applications Sixth Edition emphasizes the computational and geometrical aspects of linear algebra, while keeping abstraction to a minimum and illustrating every idea with examples. It provides three different types of exercises. Exercises contains routine exercises.

Theoretical Exercises includes exercises that fill in gaps in some of the proofs and can be used to challenge the more capable and interested reader. The third class consists of MATLAB exercises connected to the available MATLAB disk. In addition, the end of every chapter contains a summary of Key Ideas for Review, a set of Supplementary Exercises, and a Chapter Test.

This edition of Introductory Linear Algebra with Applications has been revised to incorporate recommendations from The Linear Algebra Curriculum Study Group on developing ways to improve instruction in linear algebra. A valuable reference book on the basic of linear algebra and its applications for any reader seeking information on the subject.

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  • 1. Linear Equations and Matrices.
    2. Applications of Linear Equations and Matrices (Optional).
    3. Determinants.
    4. Vectors in Rn .
    5. Applications of Vectors in R2 and R3 (Optional).
    6. Real Vector Spaces.
    7. Applications of Real Vector Spaces (Optional).
    8. Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, and Diagonalization.
    9. Applications of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors (Optional).
    10. Linear Transformations and Matrices.
    11. Linear Programming (Optional).
    12. MATLAB for Linear Algebra.

    Appendix A: Complex Numbers.
    Appendix B: Further Directions.
    Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises and Chapter Tests.
  • Citation

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