Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach – J. Wooldridge – 2nd Edition


INTRODUCTORY ECONOMETRICS: A MODERN APPROACH, 2e illustrates how empirical researchers think about and apply econometric methods in real-world practice.

The text’s unique approach reflects the fact that undergraduate econometrics has moved beyond just a set of abstract tools to being genuinely useful for answering questions in business, policy evaluation, and forecasting environments. The systematic approach, which reduces clutter by introducing assumptions only as they are needed, makes absorbing the material easier and leads to better econometric practices.

Its unique organization separates topics by the kinds of data being analyzed, leading to an appreciation for the important issues that arise in drawing conclusions from the different kinds of data economists use. Packed with relevant applications, INTRODUCTORY ECONOMETRICS offers a wealth of interesting data sets that can be used to reproduce the examples in the text or as the starting point for original research projects.

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  • Chapter 1. The Nature of Econometrics and Economic Data

    Part 1. Regression Analysis with Cross-Sectional Data

    Chapter 2. The Simple Regression Model
    Chapter 3. Multiple Regression Analysis: Estimation
    Chapter 4. Multiple Regression Analysis: Inference
    Chapter 5. Multiple Regression Analysis: OLS Asymptotics
    Chapter 6. Multiple Regression Analysis: Further Issues
    Chapter 7. Multiple Regression Analysis with Qualitative Information: Binary (or Dummy) Variables
    Chapter 8. Heteroskedasticity
    Chapter 9. More on Specification and Data Problems

    Part 2. Regression Analysis with Time Series Data

    Chapter 10. Basic Regression Analysis with Time Series Data
    Chapter 11. Further Issues in Using OLS with Time Series Data
    Chapter 12. Serial Correlation and Heteroskedasticity in Time Series Regressions

    Part 3. Advanced Topics

    Chapter 13. Pooling Cross Sections Across Time. Simple Panel Data Methods
    Chapter 14. Advanced Panel Data Methods
    Chapter 15. Instrumental Variables Estimation and Two Stage Least Squares
    Chapter 16. Simultaneous Equations Models
    Chapter 17. Limited Dependent Variable Models and Sample Selection Corrections
    Chapter 18. Advanced Time Series Topics
    Chapter 19. Carrying out an Empirical Project

    Appendix A. Basic Mathematical Tools
    Appendix B. Fundamentals of Probability
    Appendix C. Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics
    Appendix D. Summary of Matrix Algebra
    Appendix E. The Linear Regression Model in Matrix Form
    Appendix F. Answers to Chapter Questions
    Appendix G. Statistical Tables.
  • Citation
    • Full Title: Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach
    • Author/s:
    • ISBN-13: 9780324113648
    • Edition: 2nd Edition
    • Topic: Business
    • Subtopic: Econometrics
    • File Type: Solution Manual
    • Idioma: English

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