Introduction To Electrodynamics – David J. Griffiths – 3rd Edition


For junior/senior-level electricity and magnetism courses. This book is known for its clear, concise and accessible coverage of standard topics in a logical and pedagogically sound order.

The Third Edition features a clear, accessible treatment of the fundamentals of electromagnetic theory, providing a sound platform for the exploration of related applications (ac circuits, antennas, transmission lines, plasmas, optics, etc.). Its lean and focused approach employs numerous examples and problems.

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  • 1. Vector Analysis: Vector Algebra. Differential Calculus. Integral Calculus. Curvilinear Coordinates. The Dirac Delta Function. The Theory of Vector Fields.

    2. Electrostatics: The Electrostatic Field. Divergence and Curl of Electrostatic Fields. Electric Potential. Work and Energy in Electrostatics. Conductors.

    3. Special Techniques: Laplace's Equation and Uniqueness Theorems. The Method of Images. Separation of Variables. Multipole Expansion.

    4. Electrostatic Fields in Matter: Polarization. The Field of a Polarized Object. The Electric Displacement. Linear Dielectrics.

    5. Magnetostatics: The Lorentz Force Law. The Biot-Savart Law. The Divergence and Curl of B. Magnetic Vector Potential.

    6. Magnetic Fields in Matter: Magnetization. The Field of a Magnetized Object. The Auxiliary Field H. Linear and Nonlinear Media.

    7. Electrodynamics: Electromotive Force. Electromagnetic Induction. Maxwell's Equations.

    8. Conservation Laws: Charge and Energy. Momentum.

    9. Electromagnetic Waves: Waves in One Dimension. Electromagnetic Waves in Vacuum. Electromagnetic Waves in Matter. Absorption and Dispersion. Guided Waves.

    10. Potentials and Fields: The Potential Formulation. Continuous Distributions. Point Charges.

    11. Radiation: Dipole Radiation. Point Charges.

    12. Electrodynamics and Relativity: The Special Theory of Relativity. Relativistic Mechanics. Relativistic Electrodynamics.

    Appendix A: Vector Calculus in Curvilinear Coordinates.
    Appendix B: The Helmholtz Theorem.
    Appendix C: Units.
  • Citation

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