Widely known for incorporating interesting, relevant, and realistic applications, this text offers many real applications citing current data sources. There are a wide variety of opportunities for use of technology, allowing for increased visualization and a better understanding of difficult concepts. MyMathLab, a complete online course, will be available with this text. For the first time, a comprehensive series of lectures on video will be available.
- Section Opening Questions are thought-provoking questions which are revisited again and answered within the section.
- Variety of Applications—using real data from current sources, applied exercises are grouped by subject and highlighted for easy identification; Extended Applications appear at the end of most chapters.
- Excel Spreadsheets are included in examples and exercises as appropriate, allowing students to work problems that closely relate to real-life and business situations.
- Optional Graphing Calculator Integration. Graphing calculator discussions and TI-83/84 Plus screens are used in many examples.
- Cautions/Notes warn students of common errors/misconceptions and/or offer additional useful information.
- Margin Reviews provide immediate review, or refer students to appropriate review sections as needed.
- Exercise Sets. Includes exercises from Japan’s university entrance exam showing how math is used in a variety of areas and around the globe. In addition, there are exercises that require writing and conceptualization in order to promote critical thinking, deeper understanding, and to integrate concepts and skills. Connection Exercises, denoted with an icon, integrate topics/concepts from different sections.
- Chapter R, Algebra Reference begins the text allowing students to brush up on their algebra skills.
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