Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics – William F. Riley, Leroy D. Sturges – 2nd Edition


This book by William Riley uses realistic illustrations in full color, to improve and make reading comprehension more interesting. They also include a number of practical examples that provide a good balance between initial problems, confidence building, and more advanced problems

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  • 12. Kinematics of a particle
    13. Kinetics of a particle: Force and acceleration
    14. Kinetics of a particle: Work and energy
    15. Kinetics of a particle: Impulse and momentum
    16. Flat kinematics of a rigid body
    17. Flat kinetics of a rigid body
    18. Flat kinetics of a rigid body: Work and energy
    19. Flat kinetics of a rigid body: Impulse and momentum
    20. Three-dimensional kinematics of a rigid body
    21. Three-dimensional kinetics of a rigid body
    22. Vibrations
  • Citation

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