Economics Today – Roger LeRoy Miller – 16th Edition


Miller’s Economics Today remains committed to providing readers with discussion and coverage of the most current issues and events. Given the immense changes in our economy, this sixteenth edition of Economics Today addresses what has occurred and discusses the importance of today’s major economic issues.

Students learn best when they see concepts applied to examples from their everyday lives. With an abundance of relentlessly current examples, Economics Today appeals to today’s diverse student population by presenting ideas clearly, at an accessible level, and in the context of newsworthy applications.

Each chapter begins and ends with an Issues and Applications feature, which introduces a timely issue in the chapter opener and analyzes the issue using the economic tools learned in that chapter at the end.

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  • <strong>PART I Introduction</strong>
    1 The Nature of Economics
    2 Scarcity and the World of Trade-Offs
    3 Demand and Supply
    4 Extensions of Demand and Supply Analysis
    5 Public Spending and Public Choice
    6 Funding the Public Sector

    <strong>PART 2 Introduction to Macroeconomics and Economic Growth</strong>
    7 The Macroeconomy: Unemployment, Inflation and Deflation
    8 Measuring the Economy’s Performance
    9 Global Economic Growth and Development

    <strong>PART 3 Real GDP Determination and Fiscal Policy</strong>
    10 Real GDP and the Price Level in the Long Run
    11 Classical and Keynesian Macro Analyses
    12 Consumption, Real GDP, and the Multiplier
    13 Fiscal Policy
    14 Deficit Spending and the Public Debt

    <strong>PART 4 Money, Stabilization, and Growth</strong>
    15 Money, Banking, and Central Banking
    16 Domestic and International Dimensions of Monetary Policy
    17 Stabilization in an Integrated World Economy
    18 Policies and Prospects for Global Economic Growth

    <strong>PART 5 Dimensions of Microeconomics</strong>
    19 Demand and Supply Elasticity
    20 Consumer Choice
    21 Rents, Profits, and the Financial Environment of Business

    <strong>PART 6 Market Structure, Resource Allocation, and Regulation</strong>
    22 The Firm: Cost and Output Determination
    23 Perfect Competition
    24 Monopoly
    25 Monopolistic Competition
    26 Oligopoly and Strategic Behavior
    27 Regulation and Antitrust Policy in a Globalized Economy

    <strong>PART 7 Labor Resources and the Environment</strong>
    28 The Labor Market: Demand, Supply, and Outsourcing
    29 Unions and Labor Market Monopoly Power
    30 Income, Poverty, and Health Care
    31 Environmental Economics

    <strong>PART 8 Global Economics</strong>
    32 Comparative Advantage and the Open Economy
    33 Exchange Rates and the Balance of Payments
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