Dynamics of Framed Structures – Grover L. Rogers – 1st Edition


My purpose in writing this book has been to present in a logical manner an introductory exposition of the theory of structural dynamics as it pertains to the special problems of beams and rigid frames.

Many others before me have written text books on applied dynamics, but in every case it has seemed that either the orientation of the work was much more toward the desing of machines of aircaft than was satisfactory for structural engineerts or the mathematical tools employed were not such as to give to the subject the generality that it requered.

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  • Chapter 1: Dynamic distrurbances
    Chapter 2: Structure with one degree of freedom
    Chapter 3: Structures with two degrees of freedom
    Chapter 4: Structures with many degrees of freedom
    Chapter 5: Free vibrations of slender, elastic beams
    Chapter 6: Inelastic beams and corrections to the theory of elastic beams
    Chapter 7: Beams subjected to arbitrary disturbances
    Chapter 8: Continuous beams
    Chapter 9: Rigid frames
    Chapter 10: Floor systems
    Chapter 11: Energy methods in structural dynamics

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