Differential Equations – Blanchard, Devaney, Hall – 4th Edition


Incorporating an innovative modeling approach, this book for a one-semester differential equations course emphasizes conceptual understanding to help users relate information taught in the classroom to real-world experiences.
Certain models reappear throughout the book as running themes to synthesize different concepts from multiple angles, and a dynamical systems focus emphasizes predicting the long-term behavior of these recurring models. Users will discover how to identify and harness the mathematics they will use in their careers, and apply it effectively outside the classroom.

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  • 1. First order differential equations
    2. Systems of first order
    3. Linear systems
    4. Forcing and Rezoning
    5. Non-linear systems
    6. Laplace Transforms
    7. Numerical methods
    8. Discrete dynamic systems
    Appendix A. Review of First Order Linear Equations
    Appendix B. Complex Numbers and Euler's Formula
    Suggestions and answers
  • Citation

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